The past is nothing but lost remembrance
We sift through hands that want
to set things right.
We want to give our lives significance;
And perhaps we can—the blazing utterance
We see now with the gift of second
Yet the past is nothing but lost
Not facts. Don't count on a
Of scenes: unholy hands, words replayed
at night.
We want to give our lives significance;
We want to make sense of circumstance.
But the memories shift, and we can't
get them quite.
The past is nothing but lost remembrance.
These lips and hands are our inheritance;
They are the only gift we hold outright.
We want to give our lives significance.
The present is the saving brilliance
In small bits of extinguishable
The past is nothing but lost remembrance;
We want to give our lives significance.
© by Kim Bridgford