lives in Bechhofen, Germany, and he has formerly served as an adjunct faculty
member with City Colleges of Chicago's European Division. He is a
member of the United Poets Coalition. His publications include A
Time of Trial (Hidden Brook Press, 2002), Uno: A Poetry Anthology
(Xlibris, 2002), and Because I Fly (McGraw-Hill, 2001). His
poetry has appeared in many journals, including CrossConnect, Melic
Review, Paumanok Review, Pif Magazine, Poetry Greece, The Richmond Review,
Trinity College Journal, and Web Del Sol.
is president of Poetry Center San José, which has recently
moved into the historical home of Edwin Markham. He is also active
in the MFA program at San José State University and in Waverly Writers,
a Palo Alto poetry group.
has had three books of poetry published: The Bicycle Slow Race (Wesleyan
University Press), Friction (Eighth Mountain Press), and At the
Funeral of the Ether (Ninety-Six Press). Her fourth collection
of poems,
Clumsy, is forthcoming from New Issues Press.
has had work in
Atlanta Review, California Quarterly, Florida Review,
Harvard Review, Notre Dame Review, and many other journals. He
is a 2001 fellowship recipient from the West Virginia Division of Culture
and History.
directs the writing program at Fairfield University, where she is a professor
of English and poetry editor of Dogwood. Her poetry has appeared
in The Christian Science Monitor, Georgia Review, Massachusetts Review,
North American Review, Redbook, and Witness. She received
an NEA Fellowship for 1999-2000, and she has two forthcoming books of poetry,
Gift from Aralia Press and Undone from David Robert Books.
has written eight books of poetry, five collections of short stories, and
three novels. He has also edited two anthologies. His work
has appeared widely in literary magazines and anthologies in Canada, the
United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Asia, and the Caribbean.
He is a former Poet Laureate of Ottawa, where he teaches at the University
of Ottawa.
has had poetry and fiction in The Best of Pif Magazine Offline, Comstock
Review, and
Paterson Literary Review, among other publications.
He teaches high school English in New Jersey and is a student in the MFA
Creative Writing program at Fairleigh-Dickinson University.
is the author of a poetry collection, The Island of Abraham (Peepal
Tree, 1994), and two novels in verse, Lara (Angela Royal Publishing,
1997) and
The Emperor's Babe (Hamish Hamilton Press, 2001) — a work
centered upon the life of Zuleika, the daughter of Sudanese migrants in
London in 211A.D., and from which the poems included in this issue are
drawn. Lara won the EMMA Award for Best Novel, and The Emperor's
Babe received a Writers' Award. Evaristo's writings have been
widely published in anthologies, magazines, and newspapers, and she has
written for theater and radio. She was the Poetry Society's Poet
in Residence at the Museum of London in 1999. In 2002, she was Writing
Fellow at the University of East Anglia and at Barnard College.
has had poems published in Comstock Review, Feminist Studies, Florida
Review, Georgia Review, Kenyon Review, Louisiana Literature, and Southwest
Review. She received an Artist Fellowship from the Mississippi
Council for the Humanities. Her first collection of poems, Blue
Window, is forthcoming from Archer Books. She teaches poetry
and environmental literature at the University of Mississippi. For
the 2002-2003 academic year, she holds the Uppsala Chair of American Studies
at Uppsala University in Sweden.
is director of the Distinguished Speakers Program at the State University
of New York at Farmingdale, where he previously directed the Visiting Writers
Program for 18 years. His books include Mortal Companions, The Firewalkers,
Blood to Remember: American Poets on the Holocaust, and The Death
Mazurka, which was selected by the American Library Association as
one of the outstanding books of 1989. His eighth chapbook, Time
Travel Reports, was published by Timberline Press in 2002.
latest collection of poetry is Taking Down the Angel (Carnegie Mellon
University Press, 2003), in which "Two Salesmen (Sunday Night, Fall 1961)"
appears. His previous books of poetry include The Record-Breaking
Heat Wave (BkMk Press — University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1986) and
the Ashes (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1998). His work
has appeared widely in literary magazines such as American Poetry Review,
Antioch Review, Manoa, New England Review,Pleiades,
and Poetry.
has recently had work appear in Boulevard, Georgia Review, Poetry,
and Prairie Schooner, among other journals. Her latest collection
of poems,
Zoo (University of Arkansas Press, 1999) won the Ezra
Pound Poetry Award from Truman State University and the Sheila Motton Prize
from the New England Poetry Club. She is a recipient of a Creative
Renewal Fellowship from the Arts Council of Indianapolis, and she was a
winner of the James Boatwright Prize from Shenandoah. "This
April" first appeared in The Ohio Review.
had poems previously published in such journals as Pleiades, The Santa
Barbara Review, Sonora Review, The South Carolina Review, and Sou'wester.
She is a professor of English at St. Louis Community College-Meramec.
HERTZLIEB is the Director of the Brauer Museum
of Art at Valparaiso University. He has been awarded the Edward L.
Ryerson Traveling Fellowship by the School of the Art Institute in Chicago
and a Conant Writing Award for Poetry from Millikin University. His
artwork has been exhibited widely, including at the Aron Packer Gallery,
August House Studio, the Central School of Art and Design in London, Columbia
College, Elgin Community College, the Goodman Theater, and Struve Gallery.
has had poems published in various literary journals, including Borderlands:
Texas Poetry Review, Hayden's Ferry Review, Louisville Review, New Orleans
Review, and Third Coast. His poetry also has received
the Prentice Hall Poetry Prize. He is an Assistant Professor of English
and Journalism at Tusculum College in Greeneville, Tennessee.
first full-length collection of poetry, Wild Greens, was published
by Red Hen Press in 2002. Fig won the 2000 Women's Poetry
Chapbook Contest from the Sarasota Poetry Theater Press. She has
also written on 19th- and 20th-century texts for various scholarly journals
and published a volume of criticism, The Untidy House: A Discussion
of the Ideology of the American Dream in the Culture's Female Discourses
(Edwin Mellen, 2000). She teaches literature and creative writing
at the University of Laverne's Athens campus in Greece.
is an editor of two anthologies: Bittersweet: Contemporary Black Women's
Poetry (The Women's Press, 2000), which was nominated for Best Book
in the EMMA Awards, and Kin: New Short Fiction by Black and Asian Women
(The Women's Press, 2002). She has also written scripts and screenplays
for British theater and television.
teaches in Liberal Studies and Philosophy at Roosevelt University in Chicago.
He is the author of four books, and his poetry has appeared in a number
of journals, including The Cresset, Georgetown Review, Halcyon, Petroglyph,
is a graduate student working toward a PhD. in English at the University
of Cincinnati.
is an Assistant Professor at Pittsburg State University, an editorial board
member of the Woodley Memorial Press, as well as the author of This
Good Warm Place (March Street Press, 1998) and Watching the Contortionists
(Palanquin Chapbook Prize, 1996). Her poetry has appeared in such
literary magazines as Clackamas Literary Review, The Journal, and
poetry collection,
Immersion (Lotus Press, 2002), was selected by
Lucille Clifton as the winner of the Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Award.
His work has been published in various journals, including Coal City
Review, Icon, Peregrine, and Xavier Review.