Living Abroad in Another Language
Open to new possibilities Sara ’19 spent her entire junior year living abroad in Tübingen, Germany. There, she experienced a profound growth in her faith within a new church community. Being abroad opened her mind to new possibilities and a new understanding of not only her faith, but also of her future vocation as it relates to service. Listen to Sara’s story. Transcript Audio Player |

Going abroad to Germany opened my heart to a bunch of different possibilities, specifically at the very beginning of my experience in Germany where I didn’t know anyone. I only knew one girl, a previous Valpo student, but I also knew I wanted to grow in my faith. So, I decided to go to her church when she invited me (an Evangelical church, in comparison to my Lutheran upbringing) and I stayed there the whole year. I think because of all the little things that were happening: that I didn’t know anyone, I wanted my spiritual life to change, and I was beginning a brand-new experience in Germany…I think that is what opened me up to the new religious experience that I likely wouldn’t have been open to in the United States.