Living Abroad in Another Language

Learning to do less

As a sophomore, Classics major Isabel ’20 spent her spring semester studying abroad in Athens, Greece with the College Year in Athens program.  The program’s course offerings allowed Isabel to expand her knowledge of Greek and Latin, but living abroad also broadened her understanding of herself and what’s important to her, both personally and academically.  The sea-side setting and open-hearted people convinced Isabel of how important it is to simply slow down, rest, and pay close attention to the beauty of the world that surrounds you. Listen to Isabel’s story.  Transcript

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You can only do as well on your studies, or in your travels, or in anything you are doing—you can only do as well as you are feeling. If you’re not taking care of yourself in whatever capacity that looks like, and if you’re not resting and taking the time to slow down and enjoy, then you’re not getting the most out of your life that you can. It’s not to be morbid, like, ‘oh, we’re all gonna die, we have to enjoy life now.’ It’s more just, for the Greeks, life is such a beautiful thing. You’re by the sea, it’s beautiful! The sky! Look at the Parthenon! Everything has the ability to be really wonderful, and you just miss out on it if you don’t slow down and just take it in …Everywhere I’ve lived [in the US], I feel it is much more of an intense, workaholic environment. I came back feeling more like I wanted to do less and get more out of it, instead of trying to do every single thing I am interested in, and everything people expect of me. That’s probably the biggest thing I learned about myself and what I want and how I want to live my life.