Living Abroad in Another Language
Finding comfort in commonalities In the spring of her junior year, Sarah ’19 spent a semester abroad living in Reutlingen, Germany. Multiple experiences in different church settings in Reutlingen, Vienna and Rome helped Sarah develop a new perspective on her own Christian faith, while encountering the common practices and beliefs shared by Christians around the globe. Listen to Sarah’s three-part story. Transcript Part A: Confirmation services at St. Mary’s Church, Reutlingen, Germany Audio Player
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In the world, there’s a lot of differences between cultures, but there’s also similarities. Finding that first similarity was really comforting because I felt connected to these people whom I had never met, and I knew they were having the same experience…to what I had, which made me think: Christianity is obviously, and this seems like such an obvious statement, but sometimes it just needs to be said: it’s bigger than your Lutheran Church you grew up in your hometown, it’s bigger than the United States, it extends further.