Take a look at our Spanish Major Career Map, which contains detailed, per college year information on courses to take, co-curricular and community initiatives, steps to study abroad and career preparation. Our Spanish Major Career Map is carefully designed by our faculty to help students achieve career-readiness competencies, as defined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
Required Courses for the Spanish Major
SPAN 204 | Intermediate Spanish II | 4 credits | |
SPAN 220 | Approaches to Hispanic Literary Studies | 3 credits | |
4 credits | ||
3 credits | ||
SPAN 493 | Senior Spanish Seminar | 3 credits | |
Ten additional credits in Spanish beyond SPAN 203 | 10 credits | ||
TOTAL (Minimum) | 27 credits |
- B.A. students in Spanish at Valpo must complete the general-education requirements for the B.A in addition to the requirements for the major.This University-wide core strengthens communication and critical-thinking skills while introducing the student to global cultures and traditions.
- Students who place directly into a course higher than level 204 need not complete level 204 but must complete all other requirements for the major, including the required total of 27 credit hours.
- Students who plan to teach Spanish in elementary, middle, or secondary schools with a major or minor in Spanish should consult their departmental advisor and the education department for specific requirements.
Required Courses for the Spanish Minor
SPAN 204 | Intermediate Spanish II | 4 credits | |
One course from the following options:
3-4 credits | ||
Six to seven additional credits in Spanish beyond SPAN 203; at least one course at the 300 level or higher | 6-7 credits | ||
TOTAL (Minimum) | 14 credits |
- Students who place directly into a course higher than level 204 need not complete level 204 but must complete all other requirements for the minor, including the required total of 14 credit hours.

SPAN 101 | Beginning Spanish I
An introduction to Spanish language and Hispanic cultures with emphasis on spoken and written communication skills. (4 credits)
SPAN 102 | Beginning Spanish II
A continuation of SPAN 101. Prerequisite: SPAN 101 or equivalent. (4 credits)
SPAN 200 | Hispanic Literary Studies
Study of selected works of Spanish language literature in English translation. Readings represent significant genres and literary periods presented in biographical, historical, and cultural context. The course provides instruction and practice in the writing of careful critical analysis of the readings. May not be counted toward a major or minor in Spanish. Fulfills the literature component of the Humanities General Education Requirement. (3 credits)
SPAN 203 | Intermediate Spanish I
A consolidation of Spanish language skills with emphasis on interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication. Students increase control of grammatical structures, broaden vocabulary, and become more familiar with Hispanic cultures. Prerequisite: SPAN 102 or equivalent. (4 credits)
SPAN 204 | Intermediate Spanish II
A review and expansion of Spanish language skills with emphasis on interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication. Students refine grammatical accuracy, write on varied topics, participate in extensive oral practice, and read literature and other authentic texts while building on their understanding of Hispanic cultures. Prerequisite: SPAN 203 or equivalent. (4 credits)
SPAN 220 | Approaches to Hispanic Literary Studies
The reading and discussion of works of Hispanic literature representative of various literary genres, with emphasis on the techniques of literary analysis. Some sections of this course may be used to fulfill both the Writing Intensive and Humanities: Literature components of the General Education requirements. Prerequisite: one of SPAN 204, SPAN 230, or SPAN 231. (3 credits)
SPAN 230 | Spain: Studies in Culture and Society
A course intended to further the student’s knowledge of the varied elements of Spanish history and culture. Lectures and individual oral participation in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 204, SPAN 220, or SPAN 231. (4 credits)
SPAN 231 | Latin America: Studies in Culture and Society
A course intended to further the student’s knowledge of the varied elements of Latin American history and culture. Lectures and discussion in Spanish. Prerequisite: one of SPAN 204, SPAN 220, or SPAN 230. (4 credits)
SPAN 270 | Spanish Conversation
A course that develops spoken communication skills in Spanish. May be repeated for elective credit, but counted toward a major or minor in Spanish only once. Prerequisite: SPAN 204.
SPAN 290 | Topics in Spanish
A study of selected themes or issues in the literature, civilization, or language of the Spanish-speaking world. May be repeated for credit if the topic varies. Prerequisite: SPAN 204.
SPAN 291 | Topics in World Cinema
Students examine and analyze the cinema of a particular country or region both in its cultural context and in its relation to global film production and exhibition. May be repeated for credit, provided that the topics are different. General Education: May be used to fulfill the Humanities: Fine and Performing Arts or Cultural Diversity component of the General Education requirements. (3 credits)
SPAN 303 | Advanced Communication in Spanish
Students work toward mastery of the more difficult aspects of Spanish grammar. Intensive practice in oral and written expression provides the opportunity to advance students’ abilities to communicate effectively in a variety of personal and professional settings. Prerequisite: SPAN 220, SPAN 230, or SPAN 231. (3 credits)
SPAN 306 | Contemporary Social Issues in Hispanic Media
Latin American and Spanish newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and films are used to build more advanced language skills and to familiarize the student with the modern-day Hispanic world. Prerequisite: one of SPAN 220, SPAN 230 or SPAN 231. (3 credits)
SPAN 307 | Spanish for Business
A study of the Spanish language as it is used in the international business world, with particular emphasis on business in Hispanic societies. It includes general commercial terminology, communication, and the basic workings of Spanish business. Prerequisite: one of SPAN 220, SPAN 230, or SPAN 231. (3 credits)
SPAN 308 | Spanish for Service Professionals
Designed for students intending to use Spanish in the service professions (medicine, social work, education, church work, etc.). Students learn discipline-related vocabulary, expand content knowledge in relevant service fields, and polish their Spanish-language skills. Prerequisite: SPAN 220, SPAN 230, or SPAN 231. (3 credits)
SPAN 309 | Latinx Studies
A study of Latinx cultures in the United States through literature, film, music and the visual arts. Prerequisite: SPAN 220, SPAN 230, or SPAN 231. (3 credits)
SPAN 321 | Literature of Spain
A study of representative works of the literature of Spain from the Middle Ages to the present. Prerequisite: SPAN 220. (3 credits)
SPAN 322 | Literature of Latin America
A study of representative works of Latin American literature from the Encounter to the present. Prerequisite: SPAN 220. (3 credits)
SPAN 390 | Seminar in Spanish
A study of selected themes or issues in Spanish or Spanish American literatures, language, or civilization. May be repeated for credit if the topic varies. Prerequisite: one of SPAN 220, SPAN 230, or SPAN 231. (3 credits)
SPAN 489 | The Teaching of World Languages
A study of the methods of teaching world languages in secondary schools. A field component is required. May not be counted toward a major or minor in the Department of World Languages and Cultures. Prerequisite: admission to Teacher Education. (3 credits)
SPAN 493 | Senior Spanish Seminar
A senior-level capstone course which integrates knowledge and skills from previous Spanish courses. Language skills (speaking, listening, writing, reading) are refined as depth and nuance are added to the understanding of Hispanic history, literature, culture and contemporary events. Prerequisites: SPAN 220, senior standing and consent of the chair of the department. (3 credits)
Spanish for Heritage Speakers (topics seminar)
This course is a structural revision of Spanish language intended for bilingual heritage speakers. This course intends to improve their language competency and to transfer their linguistic skills from English to Spanish. This is an intermediate level designed to prepare students for an advanced study of Spanish, and its artistic manifestations in the United States. Students will participate actively and intensively in an exciting exchange while making their oral and written expression more effective and sophisticated. This course also focuses on specific grammar issues that affect Heritage Speakers. Overall, students will improve their skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Contemporary Social Issues in Hispanic Media
Have fun as you explore the media in the Hispanic world. Learn different aspects of the history of radio, television, internet, and other media and their impact in Hispanic societies. Experience the music and different Latin rhythms along with the most popular singers/groups of various countries. Create a comprehensive publicity campaign as a final project for the class.
Spanish for Business
Get ready for a career in business in Spanish, learning the customs and commerce language in detail with great emphasis in the cultural diversity of Spanish-speaking countries. Contribute to the class with your insight in students’ presentations and debates on very diverse aspects of those countries. In this class, you will be able to create your own company in a given Spanish-speaking country and develop it following a real process with real materials, focusing on the Spanish business world and the richness of its people.
Spanish for Service Professionals
Don’t miss this class if you are preparing to work in a service profession like medicine, education, church work, social work, psychology, international service, pre-law, etc. Participate in a seminar-type class: learning about cross-cultural communication, gaining an expanded understanding of the challenges faced by recent Spanish-speaking immigrants from different professional perspectives, hearing firsthand from professionals in the field about how being bilingual and bicultural enhances your ability to work with your patients/students/clients, and expanding both your discipline-related vocabulary and discipline-specific content knowledge in relevant service fields. Interview a bilingual professional from your area as part of your research project.
Latin America through the Arts (topics seminar)
Explore a series of themes in Latin American culture through the lens of the visual arts: painting, printmaking, sculpture, installations, videos, performances, and more. Learn about artistic manifestations of the Christian faith, representations of indigenous and African-descended communities, expressions of femininity and feminism, treatments of social justice, and the diverse themes and techniques employed by U.S. Hispanic artists. Delve into the creative processes of artists from Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and the U.S. as you collaborate with classmates to create temporary murals, play the surrealist game known as “Exquisite Corpse,” and participate in the creation of an installation in the style of the Chicano artist Gronk.
Advanced Grammar (topics seminar)
Improve your command and skills in Spanish and practice advanced verbal tenses, modes, prepositions, and other grammatical aspects. Use your grammar skills to take part in debates on contemporary issues in the Hispanic world.
Artistic and Literary Re-Visions of the Spanish Civil War (topics seminar)
Experience the cruelty of a war through the eyes of literature and the arts. Be a witness of how poets, playwrights, novelists, filmmakers, painters, and children have faced the disorder and chaos of this war. Learn more about Spanish artistic history by studying a novel, a play, poetry, movies, paintings by artists such as Picasso, and children’s drawings.