Student Profiles

Lauren French & IECA
“Taking La France Contemporaine was extremely interesting because we were required to follow French news and stay up to date with events occurring in France. This kind of class makes it fun and motivating to engage and allows for an interest and knowledge to be further developed of France and the culture and current events.”

Deanna French & Communications
“The French department at Valpo is small but the impact you take away from it can be as big as you are willing to make it. It may get tough but, with the support of the professors and other French students, it is the most rewarding experience . . . anything is possible if you are willing to use the resources available to you and really immerse yourself in the program!”

Jack French & Engineering
“I chose Valpo because of the opportunity to combine a French major with an engineering major and an immersive study abroad experience. The opportunity to continue my French studies and go abroad is not very common among engineering majors, but with the unique programs Valpo has to offer . . . I’ve been able to do just that.”

Natalie French & International Relations
“My French major complements my international relations major perfectly. It allows me to keep learning about the country I love while learning about other states around the world as well.”

Julia French & Int’l Business
“We have the opportunity usually once or twice a week to meet with a native French speaker, which has allowed me to continue practicing my French outside of the classroom. This experience allowed me to make new friends and improve my French at the same time.”

Elena French & Engineering
“Taking French courses at Valpo has been a great experience for me because although French is not my major, I have been able to take interesting language classes and participate in all the fun cultural activities that happen around campus!”

Robert Intl’l Relations with minors in French & Military Service
“Being an international relations major, it is very beneficial for me to have experience in a foreign language, and the French program here is perfect for me. Also, as a member of the Army ROTC program, I believe that it is very important to have experience with foreign language and culture; it can help put you in the frame of mind to be ready to learn about and understand cultures other than ours. The French program has given me those tools.”

Pam French & IECA
“The French department is very small, which in my opinion, is a great thing. I have always been able to receive one-on-one help from the professors and can talk to them about any minor or major decision. They are always ready and willing to offer advice.”