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The French program offers a variety of scholarships and awards to students who choose to pursue a French minor, an individualized major in French Studies, or study abroad in France.


The Spring Scholarship deadline is Friday, February 28

Scholarships will be awarded based on the following criteria: academic merit, commitment to French studies, and financial need.


Duesenberg Endowed Chair Scholarships

Up to five $1,000 scholarships awarded annually to students in FREN 203 and/or FREN 102 who officially declare a French minor or individualized major in French Studies and register for the next course in the sequence (204 or 203). These one-time scholarships will be awarded to students during the academic year of their application.

Professor Carol Petersen Scholarship

This $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a student in the first year on campus for use during that year. The student must officially declare a French minor or individualized major in French Studies and register for a French course in the next semester in order to receive the scholarship.

Patterson MacLean Friedrich French Scholarship

The Patterson McLean Friedrich French Award fund was established for Valparaiso University to distribute an annual cash award of $1,000. The recipients of this award will be determined by the Department of World Languages & Cultures. The award shall be given to the outstanding French student prior to his/her junior year at Valparaiso University. If the Department of World Languages & Cultures does not find a student qualifying for the award in any year, it may decide to not make the award in that year.

Students enrolled in
FREN 203 and/or FREN 102
• Declare a French minor or individualized French major
• Register for the next course in the sequence (FREN 203 or 204)
$1,000, one-time scholarship
for use in the academic year of the application; up to 5 scholarships awarded annually
Carol Peterson Scholarship

Students in their
first year on campus
• Declare a French minor or individualized French major
• Register for the next course in the sequence (FREN 203 or 204)
$1,000, one-time scholarship for use in the academic year of application

French Scholarship

Students in their
second year on campus

• Be an officially declared French minor or individualized French major
• Have plans to study abroad in France in the third year
$1,000, one-time scholarship to help support study abroad, for use in the third year


Awards are decided by French faculty and do not require an application. All awards will be announced at the annual World Languages & Cultures Honors Reception in May.

Prix d’excellence awards: These book prizes are awarded to freshmen, sophomore, and junior students who have demonstrated superior work in their French language studies.

Roger and Hazel Guillaumant Award: This cash award is given to a graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding achievement and promise in French studies.