Advising & Tutoring

Advisors from other departments working with language students can refer to this document for department policies and guidelines. For academic year 2023-2024, students work with the following advisors:
French minors:
German majors & minors:
• Freshmen, Juniors, Seniors – Prof. Malchow
• Sophomores – Prof. de Rivera
Spanish majors & minors:
• New majors – Prof. Hoult
• New minors – Prof. López Martín
Global Studies majors:
• Asian Studies concentration – Prof. Pati
• Global Service concentration – Prof. Hoult
• IECA concentration – Prof. López Martín

World language students can practice their language and find tutoring support through the Language Resource Center, located in room 240 of the Arts and Sciences Building (ASB).
Tutors are called “Language Partners” and have a set schedule during the regular academic year. Tutoring sessions are one-on-one and last 30 minutes. Students can set up consecutive sessions for a longer appointment.