
How to Use NextGen Gallery

Step 1:

In the navigation panel, hover over the button labeled “Gallery,” then select the “Add Gallery / Images” link

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Step 2:

Select a gallery to upload images to using the drop-down menu or type the name of the gallery to be created in the field to the right

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Step 3:

Click on the button labeled “Add Files” and select the image files that will appear in the gallery

Step 4:

Click on the button labeled “Start Upload” to upload the images to the gallery

Managing Galleries

Step 1:

In the navigation panel, hover over the button labeled “Gallery,” then select the “Manage Galleries” link

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Step 2:

Select a gallery to make edits to

Step 3:

Make any necessary modifications and click the “Save Changes” button to save the gallery settings

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Step 4:

Input the desired title of each gallery photo. Tags are optional. Click the “Save Changes” once finished

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Managing Albums

Step 1:

In the navigation panel, hover over the button labeled “Gallery,” then select the “Manage Albums” link

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Step 2:

Click and drag galleries to organize them into albums as well as determine the order of appearance for each gallery within each album.

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Inserting Gallery into Page

Step 1:

Open NextGEN Gallery

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Step 2:

Choose which layout you want your images in the gallery to appear

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Step 3:

Choose the gallery you want to post to the page

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Step 4:

Customize how the images in the gallery are displayed

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Step 5:

Not all images have to be displayed in the gallery when it is posted to the page. You can exclude images by clicking the check box under them. Images can also be sorted by certain categories or simply click and drag images in desired order.

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Step 6:

Remember to save gallery edits at the very bottom.