How to Use Faculty and Staff Profiles
Step 1:
Login to WordPress, hover over “My Sites” in the top bar, and click “Faculty and Staff Profiles”
Step 2:
In the navigation menu on the left, click on the option labeled, “Profiles”
Step 3:
Click on your name
Step 4:
Populate the provided fields at your own discretion or per the guidelines of your department/office chair. For consistency throughout the university, we request that you follow the suggested format for several of the fields:
*Note: The fields shown below in the image below are pre-filled by HR and cannot be changed without their authorization. If a change needs to be made, please notify HR.
Example: [Degree Earned] [Major] – [University/College] [Year]
“Ph.D. Economics – Northwestern University 2008”
Courses Taught
Example: [List each course separated by commas]
Bioinorganic Chemistry, Chemical Education, Biochemistry
Example: [List each membership separately in a bulleted list]
- Membership 1
- Membership 2
- Membership 3
Example: [List each recognition separately in a bulleted list]
- Recognition 1
- Recognition 2
- Recognition 3
Example: [List each hobby separately in a bulleted list]
- Running
- Reading
- Photography
Step 6:
Click “Update” to publish the photo in WordPress
Adding a Profile Picture
Step 1:
Login to WordPress, hover over “My Sites” in the top bar, and click “Faculty and Staff Profiles”
Step 2:
In the navigation menu on the left, click on the option labeled, “Profiles”
Step 3:
Click on your name
Step 4:
Click on the “Select or Upload Images” button to upload a photo
Step 5:
Choose your photo from the Media Library
*Note: If your photo is not in the Media Library, click on the tab in the top left labeled, “Upload Files” and select the photo you want to upload to WordPress from your computer
Step 6:
Click the “Select” button in the lower right corner to insert the photo as your profile picture
Step 7:
Click “Publish” to publish the photo in WordPress