Vet Centers (Gary Area: 107 E. 93rd Avenue, Crown Point IN 46307, 219.736.5633 or 877.927.8387, Adam Benjamin, Jr. OPC: 9301 Madison Street, Crown Point, IN 46307. 219.662.5000)
Vet2Vet Indiana (Vet2Vet Indiana is an organization of veterans committed to helping veterans achieve recovery and learn coping skills to deal with the psychiatric and adjustment problems veterans face).
The Soldiers Project (The Soldiers Project offers free psychological counseling for military personnel, veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan and their families).
Soldier’s Heart (Soldier’s Heart is a veterans’ return and healing project addressing the emotional and spiritual needs of veterans, their families and communities. Soldier’s Heart promotes and guides community-based efforts to heal the effects of war based on strategies presented in “War and the Soul” by Dr. Edward Tick. A project of the International Humanities Center, it is dedicated to our veterans’ successful return).