Thrive Year 2

Strive to lead meaningful lives as individuals and work toward a better world
Living out lives of faith and service, grounded in our Lutheran traditions, we thrive in our calling to serve in society. We strive to lead meaningful lives as individuals and work toward a better world. Valpo will flourish in its operations and finances and will become a driving economic force in the northwest Indiana region.
Thrive Initiative Overview
In Progress
Caring for Faculty and Staff
Establishing competitive salary and benefits for all faculty and staff, as well as non-compensation benefits.
Success in 2023-2024:
Define the compensation philosophy for the institution; define gaps, and develop plan to make-up the gaps.
Success (3–5 years):
Building into the university culture a faculty and staff compensation program that is sustainable, measurable, and mission driven.
Executive Sponsor: Mark Volpatti
Owner: Deondra Devitt and Kevin Jantzi
In Progress
Advancing Toward HSI Status
Laying the groundwork for increased enrollment of Latinx students.
Success in 2023-2024:
Identify recruitment strategy; begin to transform campus to be welcoming, supportive, and ready.
Success (3–5 years):
Meet the criteria for HSI status, and have a campus that supports and reflects our Latinx students.
Executive Sponsor: Rebekah Arevalo
Owner: Bianca Villarruel
In Progress
Operational Sustainability
Ensuring a sustainable future for the academic and administrative organization of the university.
Success in 2023-2024:
Complete data collection and analysis with partner to assess opportunities for efficiency in the administrative and academic programs within the University. Propose and implement changes to better support student success and institutional sustainability.
Success (3–5 years):
Strong fiscal health, with sufficient financial resources to execute the mission and vision of the institution.
Executive Sponsor: Jose Padilla
Owner: Eric Johnson and Mark Volpatti
In Progress
Operationalization moves strategic planning initiatives from prioritization (i.e. milestone tracking) toward being normalized on campus. The Operationalization initiative identifies the needs of, and barriers to, strategic plan initiatives that have moved beyond the strategic planning process so that attention is given to longer-term assessment and embedness of these programs within the fabric of university operations.
Success in 2023-2024:
Create and test a framework that off-milestone initiatives can apply to move further into being fully operationalized and toward regular measurement for program improvement and future decision-making.
Success (3–5 years):
Initiatves that come out of the Uplift Valpo Strategic Plan are woven into daily operations of the university, have measurable success metrics, and the evidence from those metrics is regularly used to make programmatic adjustments.
Executive Sponsor: Trisha Mileham
Owner: Bonnie Dahlke Goebbert