Strategic Plan Draft – July 2022

Over the past year, the faculty, staff, and administration of Valparaiso University have been engaged in strategic thinking and strategic planning for the future of the institution. With critical feedback and insight from the Board of Directors, Alumni, and students of Valparaiso University, this draft strategic plan is being presented to the Board of Directors for their consideration. This plan represents the work of over 70 campus individuals who have worked on theme teams to develop concrete initiatives to move the institution forward that have their foundation in the over 1000 ideas that the campus, administration, and Board of Directors shared in the earliest stages of the strategic thinking phase of this current planning process.

The scope of the work outlined in the strategic plan is quite large and represents a combination of bold new initiatives and operational imperatives that are closely tied to the daily work of the institution. The institution will not be able to tackle and accomplish all of these efforts simultaneously – a key element to the success of our plan will be to appropriately prioritize and sequence the work. This prioritization and sequencing will be an ongoing activity for the administration and the strategic plan implementation team. As we monitor our progress amidst a volatile and changing landscape, we can redirect our emphasis as necessary to achieve the goals that we have laid forward in the plan.

To learn more about the draft plan, which is being presented to the Board of Directors in July 2022, read the documents provided below and watch the short videos the describe key plan themes and initiatives.

Executive Summary (Document no longer available – see Strategic Plan main website for approved documents)
The executive summary contains a high-level narrative and summary of the planning process and the contents of the plan focusing on the key bold initiatives and operational imperatives contained within the plan.

Strategic Plan Goals and Metrics (Document no longer available – see Strategic Plan main website for approved documents)
The document contains the overall strategic plan goals to be achieved in the next 3-5 years. Many of the strategic planning goals cut across multiple initiatives due to the integrated nature of the plan and the work of the institution. In addition to the goals, overall plan metrics have been identified that will allow the institution to determine success of the overall plan actions.

Strategic Plan Initiative Summary (Document no longer available – see Strategic Plan main website for approved documents)
This document contains the detailed list of initiatives that comprise the strategic plan and includes a brief introduction and description of each of the strategic plan themes. In addition, the University mission, a new vision, and core value statements are included at the end for reference.

Learn About the Plan


Theme 1: LEARN

Theme 2: SERVE

Theme 3: LEAD

Theme 4: THRIVE

Planning Implementation and Conclusion