Entrance-Torch HERO

Learn Year 2


Learning Experience

Valpo creates an unparalleled learning experience for students that is nationally recognized for its excellent teaching, experiential learning, and demonstrated career outcomes.

Learn Initiative Overview

2023-2024 Progress 64%

Valpo Connect

Creating a thriving, dynamic collaboration center and think tank for all majors on campus that draws disciplines together into cutting-edge new programs and degree paths that will make our students stand out above graduates elsewhere

Success in 2023-2024:
Develop the Cohort Model of Student Learning around a second theme; develop a vision for interdisciplinary teaching and research on campus

Success (3–5 years)
Build out the cohort model to include at least one other track on another topic (e.g., global justice); Incentivize colleges to develop programs nimbly that respond to changing needs of the disciplines and marketplace; Make Valpo a destination for igniting students’ passions and finding the right major for them (programs for exploratory/undecided students)

Executive Sponsor: Kevin Goebbert
Owner: Joseph Bognar and Pete Johnson

2023-2024 Progress 95%

Reimagined Education

Shaping the Valpo Student Experience for the needs of today and tomorrow.

Success in 2023-2024:
Team A: Secure approval of a re-imagined first-year experience, also through this lens. Team B: Develop and secure governance approval of new general education learning outcomes tied to the integration of leadership and service that are assessable.

Success (3–5 years):
Create a first-year experience that is exciting for students and energizing for faculty to teach in ways that enhance belonging and retention; reimagine the general education curricula through an intentional focus on equipping students to learn, serve, lead, and thrive throughout their lives.

Executive Sponsor: Team A: Lissa Yogan and Team B: Bagel Johnson
Owner: Team A: Lisa Jennings, Carter Hansen, Michael Chikeleze Team B: Bonnie Dahlke Goebbert, Reva Johnson, Sam Graber

2023-2024 Progress 55%

Strengthen and Amplify the Arts and Humanities

Strengthening Music, the Arts, and Humanities to be a force multiplier in their own right, with robust majors and programs

Success in 2023-2024:
Establish a task force of innovative faculty and staff to work quickly to develop strategies for building a collective identity for the various arts and humanities units

Success (3–5 years)
Ensure that there is a clear and central place for the humanities and arts in context of all of our programs

Executive Sponsor: Jeni Prough
Owner: Stacy Hoult