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Residence Hall Storage

Limited storage is available to students who reside more than 500 miles away from Valparaiso University, and is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Storage is not available in the Promenade Apartments, Kade German House, or Sorority Housing Complex.

Students are allowed to store one 30 gallon plastic tote and/or suitcases, trunks. Students are responsible for providing their own totes. Due to space limitations and fire safety concerns, the following items may not be stored: empty boxes, student room furniture, combustible materials or other chemicals, lofts, or lumber. Students are not encouraged to store valuable items such as electronics, jewelry, expensive clothing etc. as storage rooms are located in basements and closets. All items must be taped shut and labeled with the student’s name, ID number, and room number. Students store items at their own risk.

All items in storage not claimed by the scheduled removal date will be disposed of at the discretion of the University and the Office of Residential Life.

Academic Year Storage

Students who meet the above criteria and want to use storage during the academic year may do so. Students can submit a storage application at any point throughout the year. Please remember that this is long-term storage and is not meant to be accessed regularly. All storage items must be picked up by Friday, May 2, 2025.

Summer Storage

Summer storage is available only to students who have completed a Housing Agreement for the following Fall Term. Items may only be placed into storage in the hall which they have been assigned for the following fall term. Items placed into storage over the summer may not be removed prior to the Monday before the first day of classes. Students who place items into Summer storage and then cancel their Housing Agreement to move off campus will be assessed a fee of $50 for the use of the storage space.

Students can begin submitting summer storage applications at any point, but should be submitted by Wednesday, April 30, 2025. Students can place items into storage, if approved, from Monday, May 5 – Friday, May 9, 2025.

Storage Process

Students who meet the approved criteria will need to complete the steps below to be eligible to store their items.

  • The student will complete the University Storage Agreement Form with their Valpo email account prior to storing belongings. 
  • The Office of Residential Life will review the Storage Agreement Form and confirm the student and their items meet the approved storage criteria.
  • If approved the Office Residential Life will send a storage approval email to the student’s Valpo email account, providing a designated time frame to store their items and will cc the building’s Residential Learning Coordinator on the email. 
  • If denied the Office Residential Life will send an email to the student’s Valpo email account, providing a rationale of why their request was denied and will cc the building’s Residential Learning Coordinator on the email. 

If you have any questions contact our office at 219.464.5413 or at