Game, Set, Match: Olivia Czerwonka ’23, ’26 DNP, Aces Leadership and Sisterhood In Valpo Tennis

Olivia Czerwonka '23, '26 DNP, embracing her sister and doubles partner, Claire Czerwonka '21, '24 DNP, on Valpo's tennis court after a match.

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to win a championship with your best friend? For Olivia Czerwonka ’23, ’26 DNP, that dream is a reality. As one of Valpo’s most successful tennis players in history, Olivia currently holds both of the program’s singles and doubles records, has previously been named Missouri Valley […]

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Noah Godsell ’24 Brings His Love For Valpo Athletics To WVUR-FM

Noah Godsell '24 smiling while he interviews a coach on camera.

How many of you watched a football game from the bleachers this season – or cheered on our Beacons from the student section at a basketball game? If you have, you probably recognize Noah Godsell ’24, who made it his personal mission to go to as many Valpo sporting events as possible since his freshman […]

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Blooming as a Beacon: Jazzy Soria-Gonzalez’s ’28 “Eventful” First Year

Jazzy Soria Gonzalez '24 smiling at the camera in professional attire.

If you were to ask Jazzy Soria-Gonzalez ’28 to sum up her first year at Valparaiso University in one word, it wouldn’t be surprising to hear her respond with “eventful.” As a freestyle swimmer for the Valpo women’s swim team and a double major in Spanish and marketing, having an eventful first year of college […]

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Bias at the Plate: What Umpires Tell Us about Evaluators

Baseball season is underway at Valparaiso University — as well as MLB spring training sites in Florida and Arizona — and one professor has used his love of the sport, combined with his passion for data-driven research and economic theory, to investigate an issue faced by most athletic events: home-team bias. Mike Hsu, assistant professor […]

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Fall 2023 Edition of Valpo Magazine

Another edition of the Valpo Magazine is here, now in its all-new, digital format at In this inaugural online edition, you will meet the newest head men’s basketball coach, Roger Powell Jr. and learn about his plans for bringing Valpo athletics into a new era. Alumni will share their life-changing experiences, from saving lives […]

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