Entrance Torch

Experiential Learning

AEA China Workshop offers students one-of-a-kind opportunity

A first-of-its-kind workshop in China is but one example of the distinctive opportunities provided by the Valparaiso University Graduate School’s Arts and Entertainment Administration (AEA)

Valpo students help improve water quality

Valparaiso University students have partnered with the Environmental Protection Agency and the City of Valparaiso to help improve water quality at the Thorgren Detention Basin

DECA students celebrate success at international competition

On April 20, 2012, nine undergraduate College of Business students traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah, to compete in Collegiate DECA’s International Career Development Conference

Christ College students attend national research conference

Fifteen Christ College students had papers accepted by the 2012 National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). The students traveled to the 26th National Conference, which

Annual engineering conference features undergraduate research projects

The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Illinois/Indiana Section held its annual conference at Valparaiso University on March 17. Scott Duncan, assistant professor of mechanical

Students assess educational equality in China during March visit

A group of Valparaiso University students traveled to China in March to assess how the country’s education system is dealing with the equality issue now

Valparaiso University senior presents work at international conference

Marissa Longoria, a Valparaiso University senior double majoring in political science and sociology from East Chicago, Ind., presented her project on immigration issues at the

Valparaiso University project to be featured at international conference

A Valparaiso University student project to bring fresh water to a remote African village will be highlighted at the Clinton Global Initiative University conference Saturday,

Valpo Independent Robot Team Competes at Annual Jerry Sanders Competition

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nM-svCRLQI The Valparaiso Independent Robot Team (VIRT) competed in the 25th Annual Jerry Sanders Creative Design Competition at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on