Entrance Torch

Campus Life

Valpo to host 20th annual Mid-America Guitar Ensemble Festival

Valparaiso University will host the 20th annual Mid-America Guitar Ensemble Festival, taking place March 23-25, 2012. Guest artists for this year’s festival are the Grammy

Annual Black History Month dinner celebrates gospel music

Valparaiso University continued its celebration of Black History Month on Sunday, Feb. 19, with an annual dinner. The event was sponsored by the Black Student

World Banquet to Celebrate “˜Crossroads of Culture’

The 32nd annual Valparaiso University World Banquet, sponsored by the Valparaiso International Student Association (VISA) and the Office of International Programs, is on Saturday, Feb.

Valpo to host second Polar Plunge to benefit Special Olympics

The second Polar Plunge at Valparaiso University to raise money and awareness for Special Olympics Indiana will take place at noon Saturday, Feb. 18, at

Black History Month dinner set for Feb. 19

Valparaiso University is recognizing Black History Month with a number of events, including the Black History Month Dinner from 6 to 8 p.m. on Sunday,

Trivia Night raises $5,000 for scholarship fund

With categories including world travel, computer science, animals, and governance, contestants from the Valparaiso University community tested their knowledge during Trivia Night on Tuesday, Feb.

Students find networking opportunities at Career and Internship Fair

Students of all majors were invited to connect with potential employers at the Valparaiso University Career and Internship Fair, which took place in the Harre

Chinese New Year celebration features food, performances

Valparaiso University is celebrating the beginning of 2012 with the Chinese New Year Celebration on Tuesday, Jan. 24. The festivities are from 6:30 p.m. to

Documentary, speakers are part of MLK celebration at Valpo

The 2012 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration at Valparaiso University will focus on the theme of “Education Today: Our Passport to the Dream.” The