Entrance Torch

Arts & Culture

‘Vicious’ comedy to be performed

“The Universal Wolf,” described by director Joan M. Schenkar as a vicious new version of “Little Red Riding Hood” with a post-modern twist, will be

Dance ensemble to perform Feb. 10-13

Faculty and student choreographers will be featured in the annual concert by the Valparaiso University Dance Ensemble. The Valparaiso University Dance Ensemble will perform Feb.

Former professor receives Andrew Schulze Award at MLK Day celebration

A former executive director of the Lutheran Human Relations Association of America and longtime civil rights activist received the esteemed Andrew Schulze Award during Valparaiso

10 years of poems from ‘Paradise Valley’

Valparaiso University’s online literary journal is celebrating its first 10 years with the publication of an anthology featuring works by 50 prominent poets that have

Refugee soccer team coach to speak at MLK Celebration

Valparaiso University’s 21st annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration will feature the inspirational coach and founder of the Fugees Soccer Team, composed of young refugees

‘Messiah,’ Bach’s ‘Christmas Oratorio’ performed Dec. 18

Two of the most beloved works of the Christmas season will be performed by The Bach Institute at Valparaiso University on Dec. 18. The Bach

Professor wins prize honoring work in Christian vocation

A Valparaiso University music professor has won the 2010 Arlin G. Meyer Prize in Music Performance, presented by the Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and

Host of music events to celebrate holiday season

Valparaiso University will celebrate the Christmas season during the month of December with several musical performances, highlighted by the annual Valpo Christmas Concert featuring the

Nosferatu Screening to Recreate Silent Movie Era

Valparaiso University organ students will host a Dec. 7 screening of the classic vampire movie “Nosferatu” as the silent film was originally seen by audiences