Outcomes in Action: Anthony Luciano ’22 Illuminates Pathways for Future Beacons
In the welcoming and supportive atmosphere of Valpo, accounting and finance double-major Anthony Luciano ’22 found his journey beginning with an innate sense of belonging.
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Outcomes in Action: Daniel Owens ’23
When alumnus Daniel Owens ’23 thinks back to his childhood career dreams, there’s quite a few that come to mind: chef, movie star, musician, and
Our Light is for Everyone
At Valpo, we are proud to say our light is for everyone. But what does that mean in today’s cultural context? It means that as
“The Journey of Resilience”: College of Business Commencement Student-Speaker Jaylen Jude ’24 Shares His Story
Of all the shared qualities and experiences that unite the Class of 2024, Commencement student-speaker and Portage, Indiana, native Jaylen Jude ’24 places the strongest
A Calling Made Clear in the Capital
From her hometown of Lake Station, Indiana, to the halls of Valparaiso University, to the bustling streets of Washington D.C., Kayla Smith’s ’24 journey is
Valparaiso University Achieves Record-Breaking Donor Turnout
On Tuesday, April 9, Valparaiso University hosted its largest fundraising and community event of the year, Valpo Day. This year’s event featured an expansive luminary
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Game, Set, Match: Olivia Czerwonka ’23, ’26 DNP, Aces Leadership and Sisterhood In Valpo Tennis
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to win a championship with your best friend? For Olivia Czerwonka ’23, ’26 DNP, that dream
Lissa’s Legacy Lives On
In the heart of Valpo’s vibrant community beats the memory of one of our most beloved Valpo Wonder Women, Lissa Jean Yogan ’82, M.A., Ph.D.
Women Can, Too: The Story of Jeanette Gray
If you spend any amount of time with Jeanette Gray ’03, ’09 M.Ed., you’ll walk away feeling inspired to dream bigger than you thought imaginable