Entrance Torch


Valpo students help improve water quality

Valparaiso University students have partnered with the Environmental Protection Agency and the City of Valparaiso to help improve water quality at the Thorgren Detention Basin

DECA students celebrate success at international competition

On April 20, 2012, nine undergraduate College of Business students traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah, to compete in Collegiate DECA’s International Career Development Conference

New acting dean appointed for College of Engineering

Valparaiso University professor Eric Johnson will begin serving as acting dean of the University’s College of Engineering beginning July 1, 2012. In his new role,

Dale Carnegie Course develops leadership, communication skills

Valparaiso University’s College of Engineering is dedicated to graduating the “balanced engineer.” One of the key programs that demonstrates this dedication is the Dale Carnegie

Student research on display at Celebration of Undergraduate Scholarship

The hard work and creativity of student research will be on display next week at the annual Celebration of Undergraduate Scholarship, a daylong event on

Christ College students attend national research conference

Fifteen Christ College students had papers accepted by the 2012 National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). The students traveled to the 26th National Conference, which

Student’s environmental essay honored

A Valparaiso University student’s essay on the impact of the emerald ash borer infestation on North American forests has been honored for its excellence. Matthew

Annual engineering conference features undergraduate research projects

The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Illinois/Indiana Section held its annual conference at Valparaiso University on March 17. Scott Duncan, assistant professor of mechanical

Students assess educational equality in China during March visit

A group of Valparaiso University students traveled to China in March to assess how the country’s education system is dealing with the equality issue now