Entrance Torch
Valpo Stories

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Trip to Germany celebrates historic ties to Valparaiso University

President Mark A. Heckler is traveling to Germany in early March to celebrate Valparaiso University’s partners in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg and to honor Wolf

School psychology program receives national recognition

Valparaiso University’s Graduate School Psychology program has earned national recognition for its commitment to promoting the proper education and effective preparation of school psychologists. The

Buinicki awarded prestigious Friedrich Professorship

Martin Buinicki, associate professor of English at Valparaiso University, has been named the new Walter G. Friedrich Professor of American Literature. “Professor Buinicki has been

Jazz Fest set for April 11-16

American jazz composer and performer Ramsey Lewis will headline the 26th annual Valparaiso University Jazz Festival, taking place April 11-16 at the Harre Union. Jazz

New galleries dedicated at Brauer Museum event

A Feb. 13 dedication of the Brauer Museum of Art’s new Byron Lee and Josephine Luecke Ferguson Galleries has increased the museum’s gallery space by

Black history month celebration to include dinner, inspirational speakers

Valparaiso University will host a series of events in February to celebrate the achievements of African-Americans in observance of Black History Month. The events are

‘Vicious’ comedy to be performed

“The Universal Wolf,” described by director Joan M. Schenkar as a vicious new version of “Little Red Riding Hood” with a post-modern twist, will be

Dance ensemble to perform Feb. 10-13

Faculty and student choreographers will be featured in the annual concert by the Valparaiso University Dance Ensemble. The Valparaiso University Dance Ensemble will perform Feb.

Former professor receives Andrew Schulze Award at MLK Day celebration

A former executive director of the Lutheran Human Relations Association of America and longtime civil rights activist received the esteemed Andrew Schulze Award during Valparaiso