YAWAna Eat? World Relief Campaign Educational Dinner

YAWAna Eat? Educational Dinner, in support of Valparaiso University’s World Relief Campaign. Find out about The YAWA Project: Bettering a Nation Through Education, and learn about the Native American tribe Lakota, their tradition and culture, the importance of education on Native American reservations and the children on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.

The dinner will be held on February 15 from 6-8 p.m. in Ballroom A. The meal will include a bison dinner. Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for children under 12.

Speakers will include Rev. Barret Berry, adjunct instructor in the Graduate School and Law School at Valparaiso University, at Valparaiso University alumnus Matt Riley, who taught fifth grade on the Pine Ridge Reservation through Teach for America.

Sponsored by the Social Action Leadership Team (SALT), the social justice ministry of the Chapel of the Resurrection at Valparaiso University. Contact Nicole Wilken, World Relief Campaign Chair, at nicole.wilken@valpo.edu for more information.

Campus in the fall