Valpo Greek Life to support Riley Children’s Hospital with Dance Marathon

Members of Valparaiso University’s Greek life are excited to join the large number of other schools in hosting the philanthropic Dance Marathon. On Nov. 11, the marathon will kick-off Greek Life events for the 2012-2013 academic year.

The Dance Marathon began in 1991 at Indiana University in support of future student Ryan White who passed away the previous year of HIV/AIDS. For the last twenty years, Dance Marathons have taken place across the country as an enjoyable way to raise money and awareness for the Children’s Miracle Networks.

“I hope to make Valpo’s Dance Marathon a success because Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals have had a huge impact on my life and my career pursuits,” says Katie Dayman, President of the Panhellenic Council. “I personally lost a dear friend, Ashley, when we were 14 after a yearlong battle with bone cancer. To this day, her family participates in the University of Iowa Dance Marathon in her memory.”

Campus in the fall