Valpo Engineering Students Improve Lives in Nicaragua, Haiti

Projects aim to improve water system for a rural village and bring renewable energy to an orphanage.

Valparaiso University’s Engineers Without Borders (EWB) student chapter is the recent recipient of a $68,000 grant from the Valparaiso and Munster Rotary Chapters, with support from Rotary International. These funds will be used to improve the water storage and distribution system of a rural village in Nicaragua. The chapter is excited to help improve the community’s water system and to teach locals about different clean water practices that can improve their quality of life.

In addition to EWB’s Nicaragua project, the College is embarking on a new project to help bring renewable energy to an orphanage in Les Cayes, Haiti. Pwoje Espwa (Project Hope in creole) houses and educates approximately 450 students ranging from 9 months to 20 years old. The orphanage receives only around four hours of electricity a day, and this has a tremendously negative effect on the children’s lives. Valpo’s engineering students are working with professionals in the solar industry to design and build a 100 kW solar system at the compound. This is just another example of how Valpo students change lives around the world.
