Message From the Dean

Greetings on behalf of the students, faculty, and staff of the Valparaiso University College of Nursing and Health Professions (CONHP). As dean of this amazing College, I have much news to share with you. The continued accomplishments occur in education, scholarship/research, teaching, inter-professionalism, service, and practice.

I begin by sharing with you that our focus this year has been on ‘Resiliency.’ As a CONHP faculty and staff group, we have been reading the book “Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength and Happiness,” by Rick Hanson and Forest Hanson. The chapter we are discussing as I write this letter is on Calm.

As we face the world we live in today, I encourage you to “do good, seek peace, and pursue it” (Psalm 34:14); and in so doing, invite calm into your lives. Whether the peace you seek is in your personal life, professional life, or the community, let that be your north star.

picture with quote

I am thrilled to share with you some of the wonderful things occurring at CONHP. The Indiana Department of Health Tobacco Education and Prevention Coalition work is making great progress in Porter County. Under the leadership of Carrie Higgins, director of the grant, changing smoking policy in the country, educating youth and college students, and more is achieving great heights. The CONHP has had this partnership with the Indiana Department of Health for many years, and its impact on the surrounding communities is improving and saving lives.

On another note, we are excited that the University President has informed us that getting a new College of Nursing and Health Professions building is a top priority. With our many programs, we are housed in three separate buildings, so the goal is to bring us all together under one roof, in a brand new facility. We thank you in advance for the ways in which we know that you will contribute to this ‘Ask’ when the Office of Advancement reaches out to you.

We are also looking to update and renovate needed areas in LeBien Hall (the lobby and classrooms). If you feel moved to donate to the project of updating our lobby and classrooms, please feel free to do so.

This year the Valparaiso University Guild chose CONHP’s proposal for their ‘next big thing’ and is working with us to provide over $400,000 to update equipment in our Center for Experiential Learning over the next few years. Director Gail Kost and her team — Susie Zaweski and Kerstin Koch — have been working diligently with experts as they move to transform these learning spaces.

Although we remain in the battle with COVID-19, there is evidence that we are winning the fight. That is due in no small part to the investment, compassion, and work of health care providers from all around our nation. And we are proud to contribute to this army of Heroes, through the awesome programs in our College. I want to provide a little update about them below.

This year, the U.S. News and World Report reported that the Valparaiso University Nursing program ranked in the top 17% of nursing programs across the country. Our nursing program also received word that we have once again continued our tradition of excellence and have been granted 10 years continuous accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), for its BSN, MSN, and DNP programs.

The entry-level occupational therapy doctorate was granted candidacy status from the Accreditation Council of Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) accreditation organization. Once all of the positions are filled, we will begin to receive students. The post-professional doctoral degree program has graduated two cohorts, and is continuing to teach the third cohort. This program is open to accepting more students.

The five-year physician assistant program (MSPAS) is about to graduate its third cohort. Graduates of the two previous cohorts have successfully passed their boards and are practicing, productive members of Advanced Practice Health Care Providers. The PA program is accredited by ARC-PA, and has consistently met the criteria to continue their successful accreditation journey. It is exciting to see the numbers of physician assistants increase in Northwestern Indiana, where there was no presence of these providers in this area before.

The public health programs (BSPH and MPH) have graduated experts who are managing many of the challenges facing the human race locally, nationally, and internationally. COVID-19, climate change, polluted water, hunger deserts, and more. The MPH has had an additional track added with a focus on epidemiology and is an online degree. In addition, the program has been designated as having STEM status.

We are pleased that many of the graduates from our health care leadership degree (BSHCL) and health administration degree (MHA) are leading in health care organizations in Northwest, Indiana, nationally and around the world. The health care leadership degree has been updated with more leadership and business courses.

The health sciences BSHS degree is one of the most current, highly desired degrees offered at our college. This is a three-year degree that has provided students a foundation to pursue graduate education in many areas such as PT, OT, PA, MPH and other areas. But if a student does not wish to pursue graduate education, job opportunities have been great. We have had students working in research, medical sales, medical records and more. It has provided those wishing to enter the work world quickly a strong foundation to do so. I am proud to say that the education occurring at CONHP is of phenomenal caliber and quality. These powerful degree programs are all offered by highly credentialed, experienced, compassionate, and scholarly faculty. Scholarship and evidence-based practice are the underpinnings of the education that occurs at this college.

The Scholarship of Discovery through funded research, fellowships, publications, presentations, expert consultations and more abounds amongst the faculty here at the Valparaiso College of Nursing and Health Professions. A few examples include Dr. Terry Kessler, Kreft Endowed Chair for Nursing Science, who in addition to conducting her own research has led an undergraduate group of students in research related to smoking, vaping, smoking cessation, marijuana use, and more with college freshmen. The findings have been disseminated in various manner and venues, including publications and presentations. Dr. Lynette Rayman works in partnership with Dr. Kessler.

Dr. Julie Brandy, 2021-2022 Valparaiso University Research Professor, has published, presented, and continued research on depression amongst college students. She is in the midst of developing grounded theory that speaks to this great issue we now face.

Dr. Christina Cavinder, a Joyce Hagen Faculty Fellowship recipient, is conducting stellar research regarding stimulation and mediation of pain with neonates, using instrumentation developed in conjunction with the College of Engineering students and faculty.

Christine Paquin (formerly Kurtz) is conducting amazing research on Impairment of healthcare providers.
We are also proud of the Scholarship of Practice that is prominent in our College. Advanced practice nurses and physician assistant faculty bring the relevance and richness of their current experience into the classrooms. In doing this, our students have learning experiences that are informed with up to date knowledge.

In addition to the education, scholarship, and practice that occurs, the amount of service that comes from faculty, staff and students of the College of Nursing and Health Professions is outstanding. To name a couple, Randy Brush, director of didactic education for the MSPAS program, is the recently voted president of the Indiana Physician Assistant Association. Rami Musleh, clinical assistant professor in the MSPAS program, serves as a member of the Northwest Indiana Islamic Center Mosque’s Community Outreach Program.

All of the programs at CONHP include internship/practicum/clinical/fieldwork experiential learning. But in addition to that, some students go above and beyond to compete for notable experiences not required. One of those students is Lem Cartman, a junior in the health care leadership program. He applied for and was awarded a 2022 Social Determinants of Health Internship with Northwestern Medicine in Chicago. Lem is one of many of our success stories; I invite you to hear about and from others listed below.

As I close, I leave you with the following quote that will hopefully lead you to calm and eventual resilience:

God bless,
Karen Allen
Karen Allen, Ph.D., RN, FAAN
Dean, College of Nursing and Health Professions