What’s Up Wednesday — Wednesday, August 19, 2020

What’s Up Wednesday
Wednesday, August 19 — Saturday, August 29

This is a weekly listing of events occurring on or near campus in the next 10 days. It is created primarily for students in their first and second year at Valpo, though other students, faculty and staff are welcome to enjoy it as well. This is a snapshot; event details may change. Follow the social media and website links for up-to-date information.

If something looks interesting, do it! If you like it, keep going. If you don’t like it, stop attending and try something else.

If you would like to be added to this list, please email Bonnie Dahlke Goebbert.

Face masks are required at all events. Please follow other COVID precautions at all events.

What’s Up Wednesday 

Wednesday, 8/19

5:30 p.m.          Fraternity Recruitment: Lawn Games w/ Lambda Chi Alpha – Harre Union East Lawn
6 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: Outdoor Yoga Strength Flow w/ Vera – Fitness Center Lawn
7 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Putt-Putt w/ Pi Kappa Alpha – Harre Union Ballroom A
8:30–10 p.m.     Campus Ministries Kick-Off: Meet the Ministry Student Orgs – Harre Union West Lawn Tent
10 p.m.             Celebrate! Weekly Worship – Outside the Chapel of the Resurrection Main Entrance

Thursday, 8/20

TBD                  Theatre Auditions: Little Women – Email andy.white@valpo.edu to set up a Zoom audition
9:50 a.m.          20-Minute Morning Prayer – Chapel of the Resurrection
3 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Lawn Games w/ Sigma Pi – Harre Union West Lawn
4–6 p.m.            Ultimate Frisbee Pick-Up Game – Harre Union East or West Lawn
5 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: In-Sync w/ Reese — Athletics-Recreation Center Group Fitness Studio
5–7 p.m.            UPC Canvas Night (repeat from Tuesday) – Harre Union West Lawn Tent
6 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: Power Pedal w/ Mads – Lawn Outside Fitness Center
6 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Pizza w/ Sigma Chi – Brandt Hall Lawn
7 p.m.               Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) 1st General Meeting – Gellersen Center 224
7 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: Outdoor Yoga w/ Gina – Athletics-Recreation Center Group Fitness Studio
7:30 p.m.          Sorority Recruitment: Outdoor Games w/ Alpha Gamma Delta – Harre Union East Lawn
7:30 p.m.          Fraternity Recruitment: Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Fall Informational – Harre Union Brown & Gold Room 264
7:30 p.m.          Fraternity Recruitment: Sings and Wings w/ Phi Mu Alpha – Meet on the Center for the Arts Lawn
8 p.m.               InterVarsity Jubilee Worship – Harre Union Campus Café Patio
8 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: Virtual Wind Down w/ Jess – Follow @ValpoRecSports for Link

Friday, 8/21

9:50 a.m.          20-Minute Morning Prayer with Student Speaker – Chapel of the Resurrection
4–6 p.m.            Student Activities Fair: Check Out 70+ Student Orgs – Harre Union West Lawn and Tent
5 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Lawn Games w/ Phi Delta Theta – Harre Union East Lawn
6–7 p.m.            Sorority House Tours: Come Anytime Between 6 & 7 – Leave in Small Groups from Outside the Chapel
8 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Movie on the Lawn – Jaws w/ Sigma Pi – Sigma Pi House Lawn 803 Brown St
8 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Volleyball w/ Phi Sigma Kappa – Brandt Hall Sand Court
8–11 p.m.          UPC Valpo After Dark: Carnival Games – Harre Union West Lawn, Chapel Circle

Saturday, 8/22

8:30 a.m.          Welcome Week Service Project – Event Cancelled Due to COVID-19
9 a.m.-1 p.m.    Valparaiso Market – Downtown Valparaiso
1–2:30 p.m.       National Society of Black Engineers Kickback – Gellersen Center Lawn
1 p.m.               Celebrate! Band AuditionsSign Up Here – Chapel of the Resurrection
1 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Bags Tournament w/ Phi Kappa Psi – Harre Union West Lawn
2 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Basketball w/ Sigma Phi Epsilon – Mound Street Pavilion Court
3 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Basketball Watch Party w/ Pi Kappa Alpha – Neils Science Center 234
3–6 p.m.            Fall Block Party – Outside Alumni & Lankenau Halls
7 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Game Night w/ Phi Mu Alpha – Jackbox.tv
8 p.m.               UPC Bingo Night: Win College Survival Prizes! – Harre Union Ballrooms

Sunday, 8/23

10 a.m.             Weekly Worship – Chapel of the Resurrection
5 p.m.               Student Mass – St. T’s Catholic Student Center (Across from Lankenau Hall)
6 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Kickball w/ Pi Kappa Alpha – Harre Union West Lawn
9 p.m.               Candlelight Evening Prayer – Chapel of the Resurrection

Monday, 8/24

9:50 a.m.          20-Minute Morning Prayer with Faculty/Staff Speaker – Chapel of the Resurrection
12 p.m.             Deadline: Drop/Add for Fall 2020 1st Half and Full-Semester Classes – DataVU
12 p.m.             Deadline: Request S/U Grade for Fall 2020 1st Half Classes – E-Form
5 p.m.               Student Senate Townhall Meeting: New Title IX Regulations – Follow @ValpoStudentSenate for Link
5 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Volleyball w/ Sigma Chi – Guild-Memorial Sand Courts
6 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: Power Pedal w/ Mads – Athletics-Recreation Center Group Fitness Studio
7 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: Yoga Strength Flow w/ Vera – Lawn Outside Fitness Center
7 p.m.               Valpo Robotics Meeting – TBD (follow @ValpoRobotics)
7 p.m.               ValpOlympics w/ LuMin – Guild-Memorial Sand Courts
9:30 p.m.          Social Action Leadership Team (SALT) 1st Meeting – Chapel of the Resurrection/Helge Center

Tuesday, 8/25

9:50 a.m.          20-Minute Morning Prayer – Chapel of the Resurrection
4 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Volleyball Tournament w/ Sigma Pi – Brandt Volleyball Courts
5 p.m.               Student Senate Election Meeting – Harre Union Ballrooms
6 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: In-Sync w/ Reese – Athletics-Recreation Center Group Fitness Studio
7 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: Outdoor Yoga w/ Gina – Lawn Outside Fitness Center
8 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: Virtual Wind Down w/ Jess – Follow @ValpoRecSports for Link

Wednesday, 8/26

9:50 a.m.          20-Minute Morning Prayer – Chapel of the Resurrection
6 p.m.               Women’s Club Softball Tryouts – Old Hospital Field (Behind Brown Field)
6 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: Outdoor Yoga Strength Flow w/ Vera – Fitness Center Lawn
6 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Wings & Informational w/ Phi Kappa Psi – Mound Street Pavilion
6 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Grilling w/ Sigma Phi Epsilon – Freeman Street Lot
6 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Lawn Games & Wings w/ Phi Sigma Kappa – Harre Union Street Field
6:30 p.m.          Earthtones Weekly Meeting – Zoom (DM @valpo_earthtones for details)
7 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Q&A w/ Pi Kappa Alpha – Harre Union Brown & Gold Room 264

Thursday, 8/27

9:50 a.m.          20-Minute Morning Prayer – Chapel of the Resurrection
5 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: In-Sync w/ Reese – Athletics-Recreation Center Group Fitness Studio
6 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: Power Pedal w/ Mads – Lawn Outside Fitness Center
6 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Cookout w/ Phi Delta Theta – Mound Street Pavilion
7 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: Outdoor Yoga w/ Gina – Athletics-Recreation Center Group Fitness Studio
7:30 p.m.          Sorority Recruitment: Giant Jenga w/ Alpha Gamma Delta – Guild-Memorial Courtyard
8 p.m.               Free Fitness Class: Virtual Wind Down w/ Jess – Follow @ValpoRecSports for Link
8 p.m.               Fraternity Recruitment: Serenading w/ Phi Mu Alpha – Meet in Center for the Arts Lobby

Friday, 8/28

9:50 a.m.          20-Minute Morning Prayer with Student Speaker – Chapel of the Resurrection
5 p.m.               Deadline: Sign-up For IM 4v4 Sand Volleyball – IMLeagues App
5 p.m.               Deadline: Sign-up For IM Softball Leagues – IMLeagues App

Saturday, 8/29

8:30 a.m.          Welcome Week Service Project II – Event Cancelled Due to COVID-19
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.    Valparaiso Market – Downtown Valparaiso
2 p.m.               Valpo Ballroom Competitive Dance Team Informational Meeting – Harre Union Ballrooms

Career Prep 

Need A Job? Hiring Immediately:

  • OneCard, Parking & Transportation Office— Now hiring drivers to drive the shuttle around campus; pays a competitive wage; applicants must have a clean driving record and valid U.S. driver’s license (no special license is needed). Stop by the office (Union Suite 244) during the day Monday — Friday to apply.
  • Student Mail Services— Stop by the Harre Union Mail Center to inquire.
  • Bookstore— Stop by the Bookstore in Harre Union to inquire.
  • Dining — Multiple positions; apply online here.

Use Your Resources and Stay In The Know — The Career Center’s events, postings and resources are on Handshake. Log in with your Valpo email and password to access everything and create your profile. Need help? Stop by the Career Center (Union 100) during the day Monday — Friday, email career.center@valpo.edu, or call 219.464.5005.

General Announcements

Use #CampusClear App to Report Every Day — As part of our comprehensive strategy for controlling the spread of COVID-19 on campus, everyone is required to use #CampusClear to gain access to buildings on the Valpo campus. If you haven’t already done so, download the app and get started checking in daily: iOS Apple Phone/Device, Android Phone/Device.

Finish Class Adjustments This Week — The deadline to drop or add a class, or switch sections, for fall 2020 is Monday (August 24), at noon on DataVU. You want to make schedule adjustments by this Friday, if at all possible, because it gets harder to jump into a new class after this week. Talk to your academic advisor (DataVU — Students Menu — My Profile) if you’re thinking about schedule adjustments to make sure you aren’t messing up sequencing you need.

Remember — Classes are held on Labor Day (Monday, Sept. 7) as regularly scheduled.

Planning An Event? For student orgs, departments, programs, etc. planning events this semester, here are the COVID-19 Event Guidelines to follow.

Meal Plan Swipes Available At All Dining Locations — This year, you can use meal plan swipes at all dining locations: Founders Table and Campus Café in the Union; Grinders in the Library; and Gellersen’s new dining location. Swipes can also be used at Breakfast ToGo 9:15–10:45 a.m. on weekdays in Chapel View Lounge. Cash, credit, debit, and Crusader Cash are all still accepted at all locations.

Gandhi-King Center Fall 2020 Hours — The offices in the Gandhi-King Center are doing walk-in hours this semester on the schedule below. All other visits outside these walk-in hours are by appointment only:
Office of Global Education (formerly Study Abroad) — Tuesdays 1–3 p.m.; Wednesdays 1–4 p.m.
Email global.education@valpo.edu for an appointment outside those times.
Office of International Programs – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 3–5 p.m.
Email Andrew.Knox@valpo.edu or Janice.Lin@valpo.edu for an appointment outside those times.
Office of Multicultural Programs – Tuesdays & Thursdays 3–5:30 p.m.; Fridays 1–4 p.m.
Email omp@valpo.edu for an appointment outside those times.

Multicultural Programs Student Orgs Taking New Members Now — Student membership for each organization is open and free! Check out their Instagram pages and sign-up via the links below by 5 p.m. August 31 to an official member. These student organizations will also be at this Friday’s Student Activities Fair 4–6 p.m. on the Union West Lawn:
Alliance — membership form
Asian American Pacific Islander Coalition (AAPIC) — membership form
Black Student Organization (BSO) — membership form
Latinx in Valparaiso for Excellence (L.I.V.E.) — membership form

Get Published! The Lighter Literary Magazine is now accepting submissions for its next issue. Submit up to four pieces of art, poetry, or prose by October 4. Items submitted before August 30 can receive feedback if requested. More information the submission form is online here. Follow @valpolighter.

Fitness Center Open — Full-time students can use the Fitness Center for free. Before going to the Fitness Center, be sure to register on DataVU — Students Menu –—Fitness Center Registration and bring your OneCard (and face mask!) with you. Additional details and hours are posted at valpo.edu/fitnesscenter.

Campus in the fall