Virtual SOURCE 2020

On behalf of the SOURCE Planning Team, we announce the first-ever Virtual SOURCE 2020, which will take place on Thursday, May 14. A total of 85 undergraduate and graduate student submissions were accepted for presentation at SOURCE. These represent the work of almost 200 Valpo students! We are excited to be able to celebrate the research and creative work of these students throughout the 2019–2020 academic year — in a new way. Here’s an overview of the day’s events:

10 a.m. Opening keynote address, Professor Lara Pudwell, department of mathematics and statistics

11 a.m. Session 1: Q & A with student presenters

Noon Session 2: Q & A with student presenters

1 p.m. Lunch break

2 p.m. Session 3: Q & A with student presenters

3 p.m. Closing remarks, Professor David Rowland, department of psychology

Student presenters will be uploading presentation files and short audio files, which will be accessible from the SOURCE website by May 8. Attendees will be able to view and listen to these presentations in advance of the conference, and then join a Google Meet session for each presentation on the day of the event to interact with the student authors. Links for the opening and closing addresses and for each student session will be posted on the SOURCE website as well. Student presenters will also have the opportunity to meet with reviewers the week after SOURCE to get personal feedback on their presentations.

You can read an overview of SOURCE, the 2020 schedule, and a list of the presentation titles and abstracts by following links at the SOURCE website.
