SEAC Nominations Close 8 a.m. Monday, March 30

The Staff Employee Advocacy Council (SEAC) is excited to once again hold elections in the month of April. Candidates for election to SEAC may be self-nominated or nominated by another staff member on campus. Nominations will be open until March 30. SEAC encourages you to act now. If you, or someone you know, would love to make an impact on campus, enjoys bolstering staff, and is ready to be involved in the campus community, don’t miss this opportunity.

You may submit nominations through the online nomination form or by email to or via printed nomination forms available at the Circulation Desk in the Christopher Center, Facilities Management, or the Harre Union front desk.

SEAC representation is at-large for all members. We serve all staff members. Elected members will serve for three years and are eligible for re-election at the end of their term. There is a time commitment of up to five hours per month that is supported by the University administration. A representative-elect is anticipated to attend the monthly meeting as well as serve as representative of SEAC on other University governing bodies, SEAC subcommittees, and activities.

SEAC Mission

The Staff Employee Advocacy Council (SEAC) serves as an advocate dedicated to the enhancement of the work environment and professional development of its constituents – hourly and salaried staff employees – to enable, motivate, and support the pursuit of individual growth and goals of excellence in their efforts to advance the mission of the University. We serve as an advisory council for our constituents’ concerns to the University administration.

The purpose of this council is to review the issues and concerns of staff employees, to advocate changes, and to recommend improvements in the operation of the University. This council discerns, discusses, and advises on issues and policy suggestions. This council facilitates informational sessions to educate staff employees on a variety of topics relative to policy, procedure, and available resources. This council holds events to enrich and support the University community experience. In accordance with procedures outlined in the Staff Employee Handbook, members of this council are to serve as representatives on the Human Resource Services Panel as needed.

Campus in the fall