Entrance Torch
Valpo Stories

Featured Stories

Valparaiso University Participates in Private College Week

Valparaiso University welcomes students, parents, and others to celebrate Indiana Private College Week, July 19–23. Valpo and the 28 other private, nonprofit colleges and universities

Valparaiso University Receives Five Grants to Promote NASA-Related Research

Valparaiso University has been awarded more than $100,000 from the Indiana Space Grant Consortium (INSGC), a subsidiary of NASA, to fund five research projects. “The

Capstone in the Community

Students in the College of Engineering put their education in action during their final year at Valpo. The senior design course connects engineering students from

Valparaiso University Graduate Placement Rate Exceeds 90% for 28 Consecutive Years

More than 90% of recent Valpo graduates have secured employment or enrolled in graduate school within nine months of graduation for the 28th straight year.

Valparaiso University Awarded Funding to Address COVID-19 Learning Losses

June 15, 2021 – Valparaiso, Indiana – Valparaiso University received a $479,995 Student Learning Recovery Grant from the Indiana Department of Education to address learning

Valparaiso University Appoints Endowed Professor of Engineering

June 9, 2021 – Valparaiso, Indiana – Luke Venstrom ’07, Ph.D., associate professor of mechanical engineering, has been awarded the Paul H. Brandt Endowed Professorship

Valpo Meteorology Professor Awarded Unidata Grant

June 8, 2021 – Valparaiso, Indiana – Kevin Goebbert, Ph.D., associate professor of meteorology at Valparaiso University, has received a grant from Unidata, in partnership

Valparaiso University Receives Renewed Funding for Tobacco Education and Prevention

June 7, 2021 – Valparaiso, Indiana – Valparaiso University received a $277,000 community-based partnership grant for 2021–2023 from the Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Commission at the Indiana

Valparaiso University Sells Series 2021 Bonds

June 4, 2021 – Valparaiso, Indiana – Valparaiso University recently sold $17,355,000 in Indiana Finance Authority, Educational Facilities Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2021 (Valparaiso University