Entrance Torch
Valpo Stories

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Baccalaureate Service

Baccalaureate Service will be held on Saturday, May 17 at 10 a.m. in the Chapel of the Resurrection. For more information, visit valpo.edu/commencement.

Valparaiso University Alumna Named IEEE Fellow

Valparaiso University graduate Cheryl Schrader ’84 E.E., Ph.D., has been recognized as an IEEE Fellow for her leadership and contributions in engineering education. Schrader is

Valparaiso University Hosts Willis Boyd History Lecture Featuring Historian Darren Dochuk

WHO: Valparaiso University welcomes historian and former Lilly Fellow Darren Dochuk for the 2014 Willis Boyd History Lecture, part of the annual Christ College Symposium

Transforming Lives: Second Annual Dance Marathon Raises $24,000

For most high school and college students, spring break is a time to have fun, relax, and maybe do some traveling. For Valpo freshman Marko

Valparaiso University Hosts Entrepreneur Mike Del Ponte

WHO: Valparaiso University welcomes entrepreneur Mike Del Ponte, CEO of Soma, a manufacturer of innovative water filters and glass carafes. Previously, Del Ponte led marketing

Valparaiso University Hosts World Banquet Feb. 15

WHO: The Valparaiso International Student Association (VISA) at Valparaiso University presents the 34th annual World Banquet – “Passport to the World” to expose students, faculty, staff, and

Valparaiso University Hosts Polar Plunge Feb. 15

WHO: Valparaiso University and the Special Olympics of Indiana are coming together to raise support and funds to sponsor athletes throughout the state. This is the

Valparaiso University Commemorated the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Historic “I Have A Dream” Speech

Valparaiso University celebrated the life and teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. with a weeklong celebration in January. In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of

Soup Bowls for the Hungry Auction Fundraiser

The Soup Bowls for the Hungry Auction Fundraiser will be held on Friday, March 28, from 4 – 6 p.m. in the Art and Psychology