Entrance Torch
Valpo Stories

Featured Stories

Chamber Concert Band with Valpo High School

Chamber Concert Band with Valpo High School, 7:30 – 9:30 p.m., Chapel of the Resurrection.

Valparaiso University Appoints Dean to the College of Engineering

Valparaiso University has appointed Eric Johnson as Dean of the College of Engineering. In his role as dean, Johnson will be responsible for the leadership,

Gallery Talk

Gallery talk with curator Dr. Jungsil Jenny Lee at 7 p.m. in the Brauer Museum of Art. For more information, visit the Brauer website.

Sibs and Kids Weekend

Crusaders and their favorite siblings, nieces, nephews and or family and friends are invited to our annual Sibs and Kids Weekend. Sib and Kid visitors

Student Coffee Hour

Student Coffee Hour with artist Michele Feder-Nadoff at 7 p.m. in the Brauer Museum of Art. For more information, visit the Brauer website.

UPC Movie Nights

The University Programing Council is holding five movie nights throughout the spring 2013 semester. The complete list of events and movies is listed below. All movies will

World Cinema Film Series

Film: “The Flowers of War,” directed by Yimou Zhang. Presented by professor Yun Xia. Admissions is free for faculty and students. General public admission is

Books and Coffee

The Books and Coffee series will return for a 40th season on January 10. On the first eight Thursdays of the spring semester, University faculty from

University Dance Ensemble

Faculty and student choreographers are featured in the annual concert by the Valparaiso University Dance Ensemble. The talents of campus performers are combined with participation