Move Through Summer Wellness Program

Now that the weather is finally getting warmer, it’s that time of the year to put on our pedometers and hit the pavement. The annual Move Through Summer activity-based, campuswide wellness program is back! While the start of the year has been challenging, now is a great time to focus on ourselves and create a new sense of personal wellness. All physical activity is important, so whether you are training for a marathon, or working in the garden, we are all creating a healthy lifestyle.

Starting June 8, by physical pedometer, smart watch, or phone, all participants will track how many steps they take each day. At the end of the week, totals will be sent in and a full campus leader board will be updated. To register, please click this link HERE to sign up with your email address and campus department. The cost of the program this year is FREE! Move Through Summer will run Monday, June 8 – Sunday, August 2.

If you have any questions, please email This program is open to all faculty, staff, and spouses.
