Kevin Steele Named April 2020 SEAC Employee of the Month

Kevin Steele PortraitKevin Steele, director of instructional technology, design, and assessment for the Valparaiso Institute for Teaching and Learning (VITAL), has been selected as the April 2020 SEAC Employee of the Month.

According to one of his nominators, “Kevin has been THE person to guide us through the new world of distance learning. Kevin jumped into action to prepare ALL of us to switch to online teaching. He has comforted us, assured us, and guided us. Kevin has been working tirelessly to teach us how to be effective online instructors; he is reaching out to us, giving us new tools and the training we need to use them; he’s not just showing us tools, but teaching us how to plan and deliver effective courses. With the virus outbreak, he has been assembling teams to help us and he is always available for us and our many, many questions. We could not have done this without Kevin’s incredible leadership, knowledge, and teaching ability. The switch to online learning took place suddenly and campus-wide, and Kevin was the person who jumped into action and served, and continues to serve, all of us. We are indebted to him.”

Service leadership continued to be a theme in comments submitted by other nominators. “He enabled faculty to help themselves, and leveraged what we had in exceptionally effective ways, during a situation without much precedent. Kevin’s been a stalwart help to campus through his various positions in IT, Continuous Improvement, and VITAL. He has brought both knowledge, effort, common sense, and good humor to an enormous range of projects in the time I’ve known him. His approach to his various roles have always been service intense – but his willingness to meet faculty where they are, and work with their context, has always made his work standout.”

Congratulations, Kevin! Thanks for your passion, your dedication, and your determination to provide exceptional service to our students and the campus community!

Visit the SEAC website to learn more about the Employee of the Month program and nominate a colleague.
