Tech Tips — Thursday, April 30, 2020

Keyboard Shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts can be fun and make you feel more efficient. Here are a few you may not know already but that might be helpful:

  • Windows key + D: Get quick access to your desktop. If you have a lot of windows open on your computer and you want to quickly access your desktop, hit these keys.
  • Ctrl + D: Create a shortcut to your new favorite website by bookmarking the page with these keys.
  • Ctrl + scroll mouse wheel: Change the zoom level on your computer with ease. Whether you’re working on the Internet or in a word document, zoom in or out with this command.
  • Ctrl + Shift + T: Quickly reopen your previous tab in a browser. Don’t worry about the next time you accidentally close a browser tab that you didn’t mean to. Just use this quick shortcut to restore the page instantly.
  • Alt + ←: This helpful shortcut with take you to a previous webpage you were looking at in your browser quickly.
  • Ctrl + L, or F6: Select the address bar. When you want to quickly type a new URL into your browser, this shortcut will easily select the address bar for you, so you can start typing without moving your mouse.

Gmail Scheduling: You can schedule a message in Gmail to send at any time in the future. You can prepare emails ahead of time and not worry about remembering to check your drafts for things that need to be sent. Here is how:

  • Go ahead and type the email you wish to have sent in the future, and when you’re finished with your email, click the down arrow at the bottom left of your new email next to the “Send” button. You will be prompted with “Schedule Send.” Click this option and pick a date and time to send the email. Once this is selected, click “Schedule Send” and the email will send by itself on the date you selected!