Tech Tips — Thursday, April 9, 2020

Tip #1 — We have many how-tos available in our Knowledge Base online! Need help with VPN connections, resources for working from home, or maybe some tips for improving internet connectivity?

Tip #2 — IT is active on social media and sharing all the latest updates about working, teaching, and learning from home as well as information on scheduled maintenance to IT systems. Stay up to date by following us @ITatValpo on Twittter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Tip #3 — Accessing the VPN might be required to get the software or website you need for work. If you are having issues getting connected, follow this link for step by step instructions! Not sure if you need the VPN in order to access your software? Check out the chart on this page for more information!

Tip #4 — Having issues with a slow connection from home? Here are some tips that may help speed up your connection.

Campus in the fall