Hannah Purkey ’18 is Primed for Success in Global Environment

From Evergreen, Colorado, Hannah Purkey came to Valpo because she saw it as a place of possibility, where she could connect her passions for international service, business, and faith. Valpo has come to mean “everything” to Hannah — home, community, endless opportunity, and inclusivity, being a few of Hannah’s chosen words. At Valpo, she has been challenged through rigorous academics, developed an expanded worldview, and become empowered by the community, inspiring her with confidence in her future success.

“Hannah has an enormous heart and uplifting spirit,” says Toni Spaliaras, MBA, assistant dean, College of Business. “Spend just a few minutes with her, and you can’t help but be inspired.”

Hannah is an international business major with minors in Spanish and theology as well as a Christ College scholar who has been actively involved on campus since her arrival. She serves as the chair for the Social Action Leadership Team, the social justice ministry of the Chapel of the Resurrection, where she says she has seen her “passion for business and for equitable economies” meet her “passion for service.” Driven by a strong sense of faith, Hannah is a member of the Luther Leaders cohort, discussing leadership and faith and planning the Lang Leadership Retreat with her fellow Lutheran Leaders, as well as interning in the Valparaiso community. Hannah also serves as an Ambassador in Admissions, which enables her to share her Valpo experience and impart advice to incoming students. And, beginning this fall, Hannah became a Study Abroad Advocate to provide students considering Study Abroad a peer connection point.

“At Valpo, I’ve learned that there’s absolutely nothing I can’t do if I set my mind to it,” Hannah says. “That empowerment has developed from the entire Valpo community — professors, staff, and friends.”

As an international business major, Hannah has enjoyed the flexibility of the program, taking a variety of courses that have ranged from general marketing courses to a focused economics course on South Asia, as well as courses in the new, innovative supply chain and logistics management program. With this diverse course load specifically tailored to meet her unique needs, Hannah believes she is a well-rounded and well-versed business woman prepared for a successful career.

“Success in my career is making wherever I am a little better off because I was there,” Hannah says.

Equipped with a love for different cultures, Hannah began travelling internationally when she was 14. As a Valpo student, she traveled to Prague summer 2017 and to Costa Rica spring 2018. While in Prague, Hannah completed three classes — entrepreneurship, global marketing, and international business with an emphasis on central Europe — in just two months at the University of Economics along with eight other students from across the United States and Canada. She enjoyed the fast-paced, interactive learning style that permeated this diverse environment. Of particular note was a project in her entrepreneurship class where she was given 25 dollars and a few hours and tasked with creating a profit.

“I would not be the person I am today had I not studied abroad,” Hannah says. “The experience opened my eyes to the importance of taking the time to welcome people into our space and our world. I now believe that anything is possible through a conversation and a smile.”

Hannah’s pursuit of a degree in international business took her abroad again this past spring. And, it was her Spanish minor and love for the Central and South American people that made Costa Rica, which is home to one of four Valpo study centers, a fitting choice. While in Costa Rica, she took a course on the history of Central America, an intensified Spanish language course, and interned at the Women’s Foundation of Costa Rica, a nonprofit funded by the Costa Rican government to assist immigrants coming into Costa Rica with the business and entrepreneurial skills needed to run a successful small business. As an intern, Hannah led marketing presentations and assisted in a variety of ways at the training facilities, providing immigrants with resources and business development skills.

“Hannah returned from each of her Study Abroad experiences with an increased awareness of her self-confidence and her passion for learning and helping others,” says Assistant Dean Spaliaras. “Each experience has brought her closer to her faith, and you can’t help but feel inspired when she shares her experiences.”

When she arrived at Valpo, Hannah was equipped with a love for business, the church, and diverse cultures but clueless as to the commonalities amongst the three. It was through her Valpo experience, both on campus and abroad, that she now seeks to work in a ministry setting, where she can connect with, serve, and develop people cross culturally utilizing her tangible business skills.
