
The Staff Council is composed of 30 elected staff, and four alternate members (appointed from the election pool). Each member serves as an “at-large” representative for all staff members on campus.

Annual Elections

Any staff member of the Valparaiso University community may nominate another staff member to be a candidate for election to Staff Council. Staff may also self-nominate. An election is held annually. Elections are conducted each year during the months of April/May. Below you will find the election schedule.

April 1-15 Nomination Form Available
April 17-24 Nominees Accept or Decline Nomination
May 1-10 Staff Council Election Voting

Special Election

If a seat is not filled and there are no alternates, the Staff Council will hold a special election to fill any remaining seats.

Expectations of elected Staff Council members include monthly council meetings, communication with University staff, and participation in subcommittees, task forces, or as a representative on other standing or ad-hoc University committees.