Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE)

The Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE) is a day-long event that allows students to present their research projects, scholarly work, or creative activities in a poster format or as oral presentations. Undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines are encouraged to become involved in research and creative endeavors and present their work at SOURCE.
SOURCE 2025 will take place on Thursday, April 24, 2025. No classes are held on this day, so join us! Sessions will take place in the Harre Union and the VUCA. Here is the tentative schedule for the day:
10:30 am Opening Remarks – Harre Union Ballrooms
11:00 am-12:30 pm Morning Oral and Poster Presentations – Harre Union and VUCA
12:30-1:30 pm Lunch Break
1:30- 3:00 pm Afternoon Oral and Poster Presentations – Harre Union
3:30 pm Awards Ceremony – Harre Union Ballrooms

One of the joys of completing a research project or creative endeavor is sharing the results with others. In 2024, SOURCE featured 225 students and 57 faculty sponsors from across campus who shared their research experiences with the campus community. Students who have worked on class projects, senior projects and theses, artistic works, or independent scholarship are encouraged to participate.

All faculty-sponsored projects will be accepted for presentation at SOURCE. Students and faculty should read the Oral Presentation Guidelines regarding the development of their presentations. Faculty sponsors guide and support their students, both in conducting the original research and sharing that research in the appropriate format.
To participate, an abstract of the proposed presentation must be submitted via the abstract submission form. Please follow the abstract submission guidelines included on the form. The submission deadline is Friday, March 28, 2025.