Summer Research Program and SIReS

In the summer, Valpo students delve more deeply into research by working closely with a faculty mentor on an extended project. Astronomy students stay up all night exploring the qualities of distant stars, engineering students are busy building the only solar furnace found at an undergraduate institution in the U.S., and biology students are out in boats monitoring the water quality of local lakes and streams.
The Summer Research Program includes an array of social and scholarly events. Students attend cookouts and baseball games, present their research findings to each other in weekly colloquia, take part in scholarly communication workshops, and discuss issues in research ethics. At the end of the summer, students present their research findings to the public in our annual Summer Interdisciplinary Research Symposium (SIReS). Valpo offers a limited number of summer housing grants for those living on campus during the summer. To begin planning for a summer research project, talk to a faculty mentor today!