
Poster Presentation Resources

  1. Poster Template from Poster Presentations
  2. Poster Template from MegaPrint
  3. Valparaiso University Poster Presentation Judging Criteria (XLS)
  4. Creating Effective Poster Presentations
    This revised site provides instructions for step-by-step development of effective posters and offers great examples of posters done for research. The authors address planning and development, software options, formatting, and layout. In addition, poor poster techniques are discussed.
  5. Creating a Poster Using MS PowerPoint
    This guide provides instructions for creating a poster presentation using PowerPoint.
  6. Expanded Guidelines for Giving a Poster Presentation
    This document has been compiled to provide some helpful guidelines on effective ways to present scientific information.
  7. How to Make a Poster? Posters Have Advantages Over Talks!
    This site provides reasons for creating a poster to present research and discusses formatting considerations.
  8. Introduction: Poster Sessions
    Colorado State University’s writing guide is a great place to start when faced with a poster assignment. Straightforward instructions and guidance along with examples and additional resources steer tenderfeet and veterans in effective design.
  9. Poster Presentations: Designing Effective Posters
    University of Buffalo Library
    Poster sessions are frequently used as a means to convey information in a brief format (typically 4′ x 8′) in classrooms, conferences, symposia, and workshops. Designing effective poster presentations is an art unto itself. This guide provides resources to make the process easier.
  10. Tips for Presenting Your Research in a Poster Presentation
    The Evergreen State College, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment