Sponsored and Student Research

Sponsored and Student Research


The Office of Sponsored and Student Research (OSSR) oversees sponsored and student research, sponsored programs, and institutional initiatives, and assures the ethical treatment of research subjects.  Specifically, the OSSR:

  • Assists with seeking and applying for external grants and fellowships,
  • Oversees student research opportunities and events,
  • Administers the Institutional Review Board (IRB) which assures the ethical treatment of human subjects involved in research, and
  • Administers the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) which assures the ethical treatment of animals used in research.

OSSR’s focus is on securing external funding.  Internal grant opportunities are available through the Creative Work and Research Committee (CWRC) and the Committee to Enhance Learning and Teaching (CELT)

Register for Research Ethics Training – Required for Everyone Working on NSF and NIH-Funded Projects

Valpo’s research ethics training program has two parts: online and in-person.

  • Online training is done on CITI and is a prerequisite for the in-person training. Be sure to download a certificate of completion – it’s required to register for the in-person training.
  • In-person training is held in the Fall and Spring semesters, and announcements will go out at the beginning of each semester with details on the date, time and location. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Director of the Office of Sponsored and Student Research (Devin Sodums, devin.sodums@valpo.edu).

Research Misconduct

Valpo has a research misconduct policy which must be followed by all faculty, staff, and students taking part in research. You can view this policy here.

If you notice any instances of research misconduct taking place, please contact the Director of the Office of Sponsored and Student Research (Devin Sodums, devin.sodums@valpo.edu).