
Criminology Club

About Criminology Club

Crim Club at Valpo is a student run organization designed to allow those interested in criminology and criminal justice the opportunity to connect with other students who share a mutual interest in the field of study, as well as meet professionals working in criminal justice and related fields. All students, regardless of major or interest area, are welcome to attend meetings and participate in club activities.

Club Activities

Crim Club activities vary from year to year, as officers solicit student input in designing programs and activities. The club generally hosts an internship panel, where former interns in criminal justice fields share their experiences working in a particular setting. In addition, a career panel is held annually to allow interested students the opportunity to network with practitioners in criminal justice fields. In past years, speakers have included a polygrapher/lie detector expert, a K-9 training unit officer, and a self-defense instructor, among others. In the past, other activities include film nights, game nights, a murder mystery night, field trips to a crime lab, informal social events, and much more.

To Join

All students are eligible to participate in Crim Club. If you are interested in joining, please email and request that your name be included in the email distribution list. Meeting times are voted on by student members and vary from semester to semester. We are always looking for students to serve as officers, and on the e-board.