Valparaiso University GPO Memberships

These are the vendors with whom the University has GPO Memberships:


Collegebuys.org a higher education purchasing consortium.

Educational & Institutional Cooperative

E & I is a higher education buying cooperative, see eandi.org or call 800.283.2634.

Horizon Resource Group

HRG is a higher education buying group, call 866.531.3053 or see horizonresources.org.

Hospital Purchasing Service

HPS is a health and higher education buying group, see hpsnet.com or call 800.632.4572.

Independent Colleges of Indiana

ICI is a group of 13 nonprofit Universities in Indiana, see icindiana.org or call 765.998.6178.

National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA)

Call 888.894.1930 or email info@njpacoop.org.

US Communities

See uscommunities.org or call 571.243.1651.