Procurement Cards

To report your credit card Lost or Stolen call Bank of America’s 24-hour service 1.888.449.2273

Works System Login Screen

A “Welcome” email will be sent to new cardholders and Works system users with instructions on how to login.

Works System Training

Timely transaction reporting is required to remain in good standing with your PCard.  Cardholders are encourage to sign off of their transactions weekly, but no later than the 4th of each month to be considered on-time. Supervisors and Proxy-Approvers are encouraged to approve cardholder transactions weekly, but must approve their cardholders’ transactions by the 8th of each month to be considered on-time.

Transactions that are approved and audited will be uploaded to budget accounts more frequently than once a month.

Procurement Card Policy and Procedures

Additional Policies Related to the Use of a University Procurement Card


  • Missing Receipt Affidavit Form – This form must be signed by the cardholder’s supervisor and uploaded to the receipt transaction in ‘Works System’.
  • Unauthorized Purchase Form – This form must be signed by the cardholder’s supervisor and uploaded to the receipt transaction in ‘Works System’.
  • Purchase Card Application – The applicant’s supervisor must sign approving the application. Send the signed application to Procurement Services via email to vu.purchasing@valpo.edu.  New cards arrive in approximately10 business day and the cardholder will be notified by Procurement Services via email.