
Minors in Music

The minors in music allow students to take advantage of systematic instruction and participation opportunities throughout their college careers. The requirements can easily be coordinated with most academic majors.

In addition to the courses listed below, students must pass a keyboard proficiency test and attend at least 20 authorized concerts. More information is available in the Handbook for Music Students for music students.

Requirements for the minor in music (at least 18 credits):

MUS 109Musicianship I2 credits
MUS 163Music Theory I3 credits
MUS 164Music Theory II3 credits
MUS 201Development of Western Music2 credits
Four credits of studio instruction (through at least MUAP 103, with completion of MUAP 175)4 credits
Completion of Concert Attendance requirement, MUS 4000 credits
Four credits of ensemble participation from the following options:

  • MUEN 350 Choirs
  • MUEN 352 Bands
  • MUEN 354 Orchestra
4 credits
TOTAL18 credits

Requirements for the minor in music history and culture (at least 15 credits):

MUS 101Introduction to Music3 credits
MUS 204Popular Music in America3 credits
MUS 304World Music3 credits
MUS 350Music and Meaning3 credits

Three credits from the following:
MUS 107Introduction to Electronic Music1 credit
MUS 190Topics in Music1-3 credits
MUS 285Introduction to the Music Industry 3 credits
MUS 337Studies in Liturgical Theology and Practice3 credits
MUS 390Topics in Music1-3 credits
MUEN 350Choirs1-3 credits
MUEN 352Bands1-3 credits
MUEN 354Orchestra1-3 credits
MUTH 120Introduction to Music Therapy3 credits
TOTAL15 credits