Michelle Kleckner


Interested in math and science education?

Employers will be interested in you.

Valparaiso University’s MSEED program is the perfect fit for preparing graduates to thrive in math and science education careers.

Nationwide, there is a shortage of qualified teachers in math and the sciences. Through the Mathematics and Science Education Enrollment and Development program, graduates earn a bachelor of science degree in science or mathematics and also earn a teaching license — all in four years.

Paid Cultural Immersion Experience

While a student in the MSEED program, you’ll gain hands-on experience with a stipend to participate in a program that focuses on teaching in diverse communities.

Rigorous Education

Valpo offers excellent resources in math and the sciences — state-of-the-art equipment, small class sizes, and inspiring professors — so you can develop your knowledge of the subject you love. MSEED scholars can major in biology, chemistry, environmental science, geology, mathematics, or physics.

Supportive Community

As an MSEED scholar, you benefit from strong relationships with other students and with the program’s faculty. The MSEED community gathers every week to enjoy dinner and fellowship with other future educators. For more formal guidance and encouragement, you can turn to your two advisors — one from math or science and one from education.

Rewarding Career

When you earn your teaching license, you open up exciting opportunities for yourself and your future. Not only will you be a strong contender as a teacher of math or science, you will positively influence the next generation of students in those disciplines.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 1068346. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).