Valpo’s Lutheran Centennial Celebration

Enduring Faith, Eternal Joy
In the summer of 1925, the Lutheran University Association purchased Valparaiso University. This event was made possible through the pioneering efforts of Lutheran Church Missouri Synod pastors and lay people. Valpo was established as an independent Lutheran University focused on educating the laity. The Lutheran University Association continues to operate the University as an independent Lutheran school, even as its academic offerings and population have expanded.
Valpo’s Lutheran Centennial Celebration will begin during Homecoming 2024 and culminate with Homecoming 2025. Throughout the year, we will celebrate God’s faithfulness to Valpo through a number of events. We intend to tell this story through music, worship, historical remembrances, and celebrations. A special fundraising project will help mark the Centennial anniversary.
Our theme, “Enduring Faith, Eternal Joy,” recognizes that this moment in Valpo’s history occurs within the context of a great cloud of witnesses who established and sustained this University. It also recognizes that we are called to look to Jesus, “the pioneer and perfecter of our faith,” who leads Valpo into the future.
Throughout the year, we will be asking the questions, “Where is Jesus leading us?” and “How is God calling Valpo to live out its Lutheran identity today and in the future?”
We hope you will join us to remember, celebrate, and discern the ways God has and will continue to be faithful to this “University Under the Cross.”
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:1-2
Make a Gift
As we celebrate “Valpo’s Lutheran Centennial: Enduring Faith, Eternal Joy,” we invite you to memorialize this occasion by supporting a historical timeline in the Chapel of the Resurrection narthex to tell our story. We also invite gifts to the Chapel endowment to ensure its longevity. Each gift made to this endowment will bring us closer to our goal. Gifts of $1,000 and above will be recognized in the Chapel’s Book of Remembrance, also in the narthex.

Lutheran Centennial Digital Showcase
Explore the rich history of Lutheran heritage at Valparaiso University with our Lutheran Centennial Digital Showcase. This interactive collection brings together photos, documents, and stories that celebrate a century of faith-based education and service. Discover the milestones, the people, and the moments that have shaped our community. From archival treasures to reflections on the enduring Lutheran values, this showcase offers a meaningful journey through our shared legacy.
Dive into the history and see how grounded in faith, we continue to radiate joy!

2024 Valpo Christmas Ornament
2024 – 2025 EVENTS
This site will be updated; please check back for further details.
February 28 – March 5
Spring Break Chorale Tour
Learn more about upcoming tour dates and locations here.
February 28 – 7 p.m. | The Chapel of the Resurrection
March 1-5 | Various locations
March 4
Lutheran Middle School Math Contest
The Valparaiso University Department of Mathematics and Statistics, in conjunction with the Division of Calling and Spiritual Life, organizes the annual Northwest Indiana Lutheran Middle School Math Contest. Instituted in 1986, this contest typically brings together more than 70 students from various Lutheran middle schools throughout Northwest Indiana to further their excitement in mathematics. Breakout sessions focusing on Valpo’s Lutheran Centennial Celebration.
April 9
Valpo Day
Valpo Day is an annual effort to build a better, stronger Valparaiso University. For 24 hours, students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, retirees, and friends will come together to radiate their impact on the world.
April 12 – 13
J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion
The Bach Institute presents J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion. Tickets will be available beginning December 13, 2024.
April 12 – 5 p.m. | The Chapel of the Resurrection
April 13 – 4 p.m. | St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in Park Ridge, Illinois
April 20
Easter Chapel Service
April 28 – 30
Institute of Liturgical Studies
Register today.
June 22 – July 20
Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival
For over four decades, Lutheran Summer Music, the nation’s premier faith-based music academy for high school students, has offered a transformative experience for thousands of young musicians. In addition to advanced musical instruction and numerous performance opportunities, LSM students form an intentional community while living together on Lutheran college campuses for four weeks. Since 2017, Valparaiso University has been honored to host this inspiring community. Read more about this liturgical legacy at Valpo and register today.
For more information, contact the Division of Calling and Spiritual Life at