Student Leadership Tool Kit
Who We Are
Lead Valpo: Leadership On-Demand is a facilitation team providing support to Valparaiso University Student organizations and university groups. The facilitation team is comprised of members of the faculty and staff at Valparaiso University who facilitate workshops and discussion in order to help unlock your organization’s highest potential.
Leadership On Demand facilitators have identified areas that will be of support to organizations. Team members are happy to meet with you to discuss what workshop or series of workshops would be best suited for your organization.
To request a session please review the offerings and submit a request

Organization Management
Learning to lead a student organization can be difficult at times. We have some organization management tips here.
Meeting Management
Learning to run an effective meeting can be challenging. Learn how to use Roberts Rules of Order and other meeting management tips here.
Service: It’s More Than Helping (45 minutes)
What is service? This workshop explores the true definition and nature of service. We discuss the “serve don’t help” concept, the different types of service, and how to become an active citizen. Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to identify the type of service they are interested in and how to utilize the Volunteer Valpo programs software
Event Planning 101-How To’s
Why are you having an event? What do you want to achieve by having this event? What will make this event a success? Learn how to plan programs step by step, create a realistic budget, and use university programs resources.
- Virtual EMS Guide
- Technology Tools
- Social Media
- Marketing
- Marketing Tips and Tricks for Student Organizations
- Event Planning
Inclusive Programming
Looking to capture the attention of a larger audience? Learn how to intentionally program and advertise to reach the largest audience possible for your event.
Need to raise money for your student organization? Want to expand to the larger community, learn how to fundraise in an effective and meaningful way.
Devising an accurate, realistic budget is important. By examining your costs in relation to your budget you will be better able to plan for the year ahead. Learn how to navigate the Student Senate budgeting process to have the resources you need for a successful event.